Chapter 221

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Darkness cascaded upon the area, swallowing everything within its reach. Among its confines, small creatures scurried across the cold concrete floor, one of them being a cylindrical slimy creature not from this world.

There you are.

Mercilessly slicing through the darkness flew a white projectile, catching the small creature off guard. Before it could realize its peril, the white projectile made contact with the small critter, immersing itself within the small figure.

Now let's find out who's sending you.

A young boy crouched on top of a tall building unaffected by the crisp Korean air. Pressing on the electronic piece embedded in his ear, the boy spoke.

"I have secured a scout."

"Good, don't blow your cover."


Determined to secure the safety of not only his girlfriend, but those he cared for, Ji Hoon placed his right palm on his eye. Slowly, the white markings on his body receded, eventually converging into a single point in front of his eye.

Don't fuck it up.

Ji Hoon closed his right eye, instantly finding himself inside the body of the small creature he had shot.

This thing feels primitive...

Ji Hoon clicked his tongue as he suddenly found himself back in his own body.

They found out I hijacked it...

"They found out."

"That's fine. I didn't expect things to be that easy."

"Back to square one I guess..."

"Good luck."


Ji Hoon sighed, returning his gaze back to the entrance of Chaewon's dorm.


Y/n sat in the soft moonlit backyard with his older friend, cupping his hands together.

"Like this?"

"Yeah. I want you to try to send out a stronger flame."

Y/n nodded, taking a deep breath before channeling the flames in his right hand.

"Okay, now try holding it back. Like a pee stream."

Y/n tightened his forearm muscles, mimicking that of a phallus.

"Good, it's going down, now quickly release it."

Y/n relaxed his muscles, sending a larger puff of fire into the air.

"Perfect. My plan is turning out well. Now, when we get to the point of you making actual explosions, we're going to have to see how strong you can make them without hurting yourself. Seeing how you can project fire without charring your hand, I'm sure you can create a relatively strong blast."


Suddenly, Ji Hoon's head cocked upwards.

"Get in the house. Now."

"What's going on?"

"Shut up. In. Now."

Y/n's heart sank as he rushed inside the house.

Is someone here?

Ji Hoon's eyes darted around the area as the white marks enveloped his body.

It entered from the North. That means-

Ji Hoon's body froze. Every cell in his body ushered him to turn around. Only when he finally registered that he was in danger was he able to duck down.

Above his body, a blade sliced through the air. Leaving zero room for a follow up attack, Ji Hoon jumped forward, creating distance between himself and the unknown figure. When he turned around, there was nothing there.

What the hell-

Ji Hoon blinked, switching his vision.

There you are.

A few meters in front of the man stood a hooded figure with a blade protruding out of his arm.

And assassin? Are they trying to get rid of me?

Before he could continue his thoughts, the figure disappeared.

He's fast-

Ji Hoon spun around, catching the blade aimed for his neck.

But his attacks are straightforward.

Suddenly, a tingling feeling grew on Ji Hoon's side.


Ji Hoon arched his body sideways, narrowly dodging another blade.

He can create portals? I need to finish this quick before he can pull anything else out.

Bloodlust spread through Ji Hoon's eyes as he swung his hand only to catch air.

He's too fast for any of my more powerful attacks to hit. What should I do?

Keeping his cool, Ji Hoon glanced towards the house.

He's not making a break for Y/n or Hyewon, which means he's not after flow- At least not right now. I'm his target. JiU can't help me, and I can't put Chae at risk by calling my younger counterpart. He's faster than me and can presumably attack from any direction, putting me at a disadvantage. I can't hold him down and go for a wide scale attack due to being in a residential area. That means-

Ji Hoon rushed forward, punching forward. Before he extended his fist to the edge of his reach, the man planted his foot, stopping his momentum as he twisted his body around. The moment his arm extended completely, Ji Hoon felt his hand connect.

I knew it.

Ji Hoon twisted his entire arm, forcing the figure into the air.

You're extremely predictable.

As he pressed his attack, shooting a small, but potent blast in the air, Ji Hoon felt another tingling feeling, but this time on his neck.


Ji Hoon jumped backwards, only narrowly evading the incoming blade. Before he could recover, a stinging pain covered the man's right arm. When he glanced towards it, deep cuts covered the appendage.


Ji Hoon thought back to his punch, turned uppercut.

He had to have cut my arm while I punched him. My right arm is completely useless now...

Ji Hoon clicked his tongue, taking a deep breath to collect himself as he stared at the figure who stood proudly on its feet.

I'm going to have only one shot at this.

Ji Hoon drew a full breath, exhaling calmly to sharpen his vision.

It's all or nothing.

Y/n glanced outside to see Ji Hoon hunched over grasping at his right arms

What's going on?! Is Hyung fighting someone? Is this what he meant? Should I call JiU ah?

Y/n fumbled with his phone. Panic overcame his senses, jamming the coordination of his hands and fingers.

Come on...

When he glanced outside, Y/n's eyes widened. A tall, hooded figure suddenly appeared with a blade. Kneeling in front of the figure was the familiar older man.


Y/n shut his eyes as the figure swung its arm, slicing the area in front of it.

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