Chapter 237

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Shortly after the tied couple left, Y/n's shift ended allowing him to head home. Though he couldn't figure out why, the man felt fulfilled by what he had done. 

As he returned home, Y/n found himself taking a shower before going to sleep. When he awoke, Hyewon had cuddled next to him. A slight move from the man alerted Hyewon of his consciousness prompting her to turn her head.

"Good morning, sleepy head."

Y/n out a small chortle, "How long have you been here for?"

Hyewon pursed her lips, "Not too long. I'd say about half an hour."

Y/n kissed Hyewon's crown, pulling her closer, "How did your test go?"

"Meh," Hyewon shrugged, "I passed."

"That's pretty amazing though," Y/n chuckled.

"Is it?" Hyewon questioned, "I wouldn't think it is."

"I have never seen you drive before."

"Oh," Hyewon chuckled, "I practiced while I was out. One of my friends taught me before dropping me off at home."

"That makes more sense," Y/n smiled, "And here I thought you were just a driving genius."

Hyewon shook her head, "I'm just an ordinary person."

"Speaking of driving licenses, Hitomi ssi got one, right?"

"Yep," Hyewon replied, "Why do you ask?"

Y/n pursed his lips, "I just thought it was weird how she got one despite seemingly having no plans of coming back to Korea."

Hyewon shrugged, "She has a long time before she has to renew her license, so if she were to ever come back on vacation or something, she'd be able to drive without a problem."

Y/n swayed his head, "That makes sense."

"Anyway," Hyewon groaned softly as she turned on her side, "How was work today?"

Y/n shrugged, "Just a normal day I guess."

Hyewon raised an eyebrow, "The couple didn't show up?"

"Oh," Y/n grinned, "They did."

"I take it they had a tie as well?"

Y/n nodded, "Yeah. It's crazy though. The girl looks like Chaewon ah."

Hyewon furrowed her eyebrows, "What?"

"Yeah!" Y/n's grin grew to a full smile, "That's what I'm saying!! I thought it was really odd, but since she's a high schooler, I figured I was just seeing things or that the two just looked alike. She was like an identical twin."

"That's weird," Hyewon trailed, "Did you talk to them?"

"Yep," Y/n replied, "I told them about how they're basically connected for life and stuff."

"How'd they react?"

"They were very surprised," Y/n answered.

"I would be too if I were suddenly tied with some random stranger. Oh wait..."

Y/n rolled his eyes as he shook his head, "I don't know what you mean. I bet you're glad we were tied."

Hyewon giggled, "I am. I still don't know how it started though, which is strange."

"Oh yeah," Y/n furrowed an eyebrow, "Come to think of it, I don't really know either. I told the kids that I didn't know, but I don't actually know how it started. If I remember correctly, JiU ah and I kind of just talked while she was still Ji Hoon and she deemed me worthy or something."

Hyewon pursed her lips, "That's a pretty weird origin."

"Yeah," Y/n trailed, "I honestly don't really remember that night so I can't say anything."

Hyewon pulled on Y/n's torso, pressing her body against his, "Well, I'm glad this all happened. I don't know what kind of mental turmoil I'd be in if you weren't here with me. I do know that I'd be extremely lonely though."

"Would you still be living with Minju ya and Hyung?"

Hyewon sighed, "Probably. Knowing her, Minju would most likely still stumble upon our house in search of her luggage and that would result in this entire thing happening. I'd just be single."

"That doesn't not sound fun," Y/n chuckled.

Hyewon rolled her eyes, "It really wouldn't be. I'd be stuck watching those two love birds interact without my own sort of satisfaction."

"Speaking of those two," Y/n turned his head toward the door, "I wonder how their tie is doing."

"Minju told me it's extended quite far, they're just waiting a little bit before testing it out."

"How... How do they know that?" Y/n questioned.

"That's what I'm thinking," Hyewon giggled, "She told me they can feel it, but I don't know what they're feeling."

"I guess their tie is just different from ours."

Hyewon rolled onto the flat surface of the bed, "I guess so."

Hyewon placed her hand on her stomach, rubbing it as she pouted. Understanding the cause of his girlfriend's sour mood, Y/n slid from under his blanket.

"I'll go check up on those two."

"They're probably sleeping," Hyewon mumbled.

Y/n started toward the door, "I'll wake them up then. They're supposed to be cooking anyway."

"You don't have to wake them. We can order takeout or something."

Y/n turned to his girlfriend, "Do you want to?"

Hyewon shrugged, "I don't mind. I just don't feel like cooking, and unless you feel like cooking, take out seems like the best option."

Y/n pursed his lips, "I guess that makes sense. I don't know if we even have ingredients because Minju ya hasn't been out to grab groceries."

Hyewon snapped her fingers, "Exactly."

"What are you feeling then?" Y/n asked.

"I'm feeling burgers."

"Burgers?" Y/n stared at his girlfriend before nodding, "I could go for a good burger as well. Are there even any good burger places around?"

"We'll have to find out," Hyewon replied as she grabbed her phone.

"If anything we can go on another date," Y/n grinned.

Hyewon turned her gaze to Y/n's grin, "Another date? Since when were you feeling so romantic?"

Y/n shrugged, "I don't know, I just feel like appreciating my girlfriend."

Hyewon scoffed, "You sound like you're paying for the date."

Y/n tilted his head forward, "Since when do either of us pay for our dates. Neither of us have spent a single Jeon yet."

Hyewon giggled, "That's fair. You got me."

Y/n paced back to his bed, sliding under the covers before unlocking his phone.

"So what are you feeling?"

Hyewon let out a low sigh through her nose, "We could get some soft tofu stew. Maybe throw in some alcohol to enjoy ourselves."

"Alcohol?" Y/n raised an eyebrow, "I didn't know this was a special occasion."

"Who says it has to be a special occasion?" Hyewon grinned, "Plus, every moment with you is a special occasion."

Y/n scrunched his nose as he leaned away from the woman, "That was cringe."

Hyewon rolled her eyes, "Whatever. Let's just order this food. I'm hungry."

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