Chapter 238 🔞

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Y/n breathed a hearty sigh as he placed his bowl down. Filling the island counter, multiple empty tubs of sides and bottles of makgeolli sat in front of the couple. to his left, Hyewon swayed in her seat--her face heavily flushed from the alcohol.

"Y/n..." Hyewon trailed, "Let's go to bed."

Y/n turned to his girlfriend, swaying as well, "To bed? But I'm not tired."

"No," Hyewon scooted her chair closer, allowing her to put her head on Y/n's shoulder, "I don't want to sleep, I want to cuddle."

"Oh," Y/n chortled as he smiled, "Okay. Let's go lay down."

Y/n wrapped his arms around Hyewon, giving her support as they moved up the stairs.

I'm sorry Hyung. I'll clean that up tomorrow morning if you don't already.

Once they reached their bed, Y/n felt Hyewon pull him down, chuckling as she fumbled on top of him.

"You know, Y/n," Hyewon lazily hung her head before straightening her gaze, "I love you a lot."

Y/n nodded, "I love you a lot too, Hyewon ah."

"No," Hyewon shook her head, " I mean I really love you. I don't think I've expressed it enough. I've been trying to express my love more recently, but I still don't feel like I'm showing you enough."

Hyewon pouted causing Y/n's heart to melt. Feeling slightly guilty for his girlfriend's apparent troubles, Y/n cupped her cheek with his hand-caressing her face with his thumb.

"You don't have to worry about showing me how much you love me," Y/n smiled, staring deep into his girlfriend's eyes, "I already know you love me a lot and these occasional moments where you show it really say so."

Hyewon deepened her pout, "But what if I were to show you how much I love you all the time?"

"You don't have to if that's not how you are," Y/n replied, "I love you for you."

Hyewon stared deep into Y/n's eyes leaving the man awestruck by her beauty. Before he could say anything more, Hyewon pressed her lips against his.

The kiss started off soft, bringing Y/n a sense of joy as he enjoyed the few times he and Hyewon would kiss. This however, proved fleeting as Hyewon placed her hand on Y/n's clothed shaft.

"It's been a bit since we last did it," Hyewon breathed, the alcohol in her breath further intoxicating Y/n, "How about we test out if this tie is like the old one?"

Y/n grunted as Hyewon peppered him with kisses before slipping her hand underneath to feel his throbbing shaft. 

"You're as big as ever, Babe."

Y/n grabbed Hyewon under her arms, flipping her onto her back. With his opening presented, Y/n pulled Hyewon's pants down, revealing her glistening slick pussy.

Hyewon shivered at the contact of the air upon her folds, biting her lip as Y/n began his make out session with Hyewon's lower lips.

Moans filled the heated room as Y/n pressed deeper with his tongue, prompting Hyewon to wrap her legs around his head. Feeling the urge to move, Hyewon sat up, gripping Y/n's hair with both of her hands.

The force of Hyewon's thighs pressing on both sides of Y/n's head nearly crushed the man's head, yet he continued pleasuring his girlfriend.

Hyewon leaned back, moaning louder as she gripped on the pillows supporting her—her hips buckling with each flick of Y/n's tongue.

"Ah-" Hyewon moaned, "I want you inside of me, Y/n."

Y/n parted his lips, taking the invitation to tease his girlfriend. Just before he inserted his tip into Hyewon's drenched folds, Y/n ran the edge of his length against the length of Hyewon's pussy causing the latter to glare at him.

"Stop teasing me and put it in already."

Y/n chuckled, pressing his dick against her entrance, penetrating her with relative ease. As he reached the base of his cock, Hyewon cocked her head back, wrapping her arms around Y/n's neck.

"Yes," Hyewon breathed, letting out a heart moan.

Y/n grabbed onto Hyewon's ass as she wrapped her legs around his hips giving him full control over his girlfriend's body. With each thrust, Y/n watched Hyewon slowly lose her sanity. Before long, Hyewon's slurred speech turned unintelligible with the woman moaning random words as Y/n pounded her into the clouds.

While her eyes rolled to the back of her head, Y/n slammed his lips into Hyewon's starting a string of short kisses that turned sloppy.

As he felt himself nearing his climax, Y/n began to pull away, but Hyewon's legs kept the man deep inside her walls.

"Hyewon ah, let me pull out."

Hyewon mindlessly cling to Y/n, moving her body when he eventually stopped.

"W-Wait. Hyewon ah, I need to pull out!"

Hyewon continued stimulating Y/n, picking up her pace as the man pressed against her.

Not good!!

Despite his best attempts, the knot in Y/n's core burst, sending a flood of his fluids deep inside of Hyewon's pussy. Feeling defeated, Y/n relaxed his body while Hyewon did so as well in response to the man's limp body.

"What happened?" Hyewon asked, seemingly coming back to her senses.

Y/n gulped, "I just came inside..."

Hyewon's eyes widened, "Really?! How did that happen??"

Y/n shrugged, "I tried to get you off of me so I could pull out, but you cling to me and I ended up releasing inside."

Hyewon held her hands over her mouth as she stared at the floor in hopes of finding a solution to their problem.

"I need to get some contraceptives."

Y/n shook his head, "There aren't any pharmacies in the area and the buses have all gone through their routes. We don't have any way of getting you there."

Hyewon gasped as she looked at her stomach.

"So this is really happening? We might have a baby?"

Y/n felt his heart sink to his stomach as he nodded.

"Your career might just be ruined," Y/n frowned, "I'm sorry."

Hyewon shook her head as she pulled Y/n into a hug.

"It's all my fault. I lost control and this happened. All I know now is that we'll get through this together."

Y/n sighed, "Yeah. We'll get through this together.

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