Chapter 240

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The male student turned his attention to Ji Hoon, "Mister, how long have you had your tie?"

"You can call me Hyung," Ji Hoon replied, "And I've been tied for just a few days at most."

"A few days?" The boy furrowed his eyebrows, "Is your girlfriend nearby?"

Ji Hoon shook his head, "Nope. She's back at the house, same as this guy's girlfriend."

"How did you get your tie to extend so far?"

"Typically, the closer and more you two understand each other, the longer your tie will get," Ji Hoon explained, "I can't really say that's an end all be all rule, but that's what I've seen."

"The more we understand each other?" The boy mumbled.

"How long have you two been err... Acquainted?" Ji Hoon asked.

"Not that long," The boy replied, "We met not long before the tie appeared."

Ji Hoon pursed his lips, "How far does your tie go?"

"Not that far," The young girl answered.

"Yeah," The boy sighed, "We can't even go to the bathroom properly."

Y/n snickered, gaining the students' attention.

"Sorry, you just reminded me of my own troubles at the start of my tie."

"Since I assume you live together," Ji Hoon started, "I recommend you two talk and get to know each other. It's a nice pass time and allows you to extend you tie—even if by just a little."

The boy turned to his partner before nodding, "I guess that works. Thanks, Hyung."

Ji Hoon gave the two a thumbs up before walking away.

"I have to go back to the kitchen before a customer walks in."

The pair waved to Ji Hoon as he entered the kitchen, leaving just Y/n in front of the two.

"Any other questions?" Y/n asked.

"No," The boy replied as he shook his head, "Not that I know of."

"Well," Y/n started as he turned away, "Have fun."

Shortly after his shift ended, Y/n found himself laying in his bed. The emptiness of the bed somewhat saddening Y/n. For reasons he couldn't quite figure out, the man felt like he was wasting his time. There were a couple hours before dinner and he didn't have any deadlines or responsibilities, yet something felt off.

Not knowing what to do, Y/n closed his eyes while sprawled on his bed. Slowly, Y/n fell asleep taking his mind elsewhere.

Y/n squinted his closed eyes, opening them before blinking a few times. The light beaming into his eyes burned and the air stung, causing the man to rub his eyes. This fleeting pain eventually subsided, allowing Y/n to look around.

Did I fall asleep?

Y/n slid out of bed, rubbing his eyes once more before walking down the stairs. The empty ground floor left Y/n unfazed as he grabbed a glass of water. When he returned to the second floor, Y/n found himself in front of Ji Hoon and Minju's room, opening the door to a sudden scenery change.

"Hey, Wonyoung ssi. What are you doing here?" Y/n asked.

"I'm waiting for JiU unnie," Wonyoung replied.

Y/n scanned the room, "Where is she?"

Wonyoung shrugged, prompting Y/n to walk into the hallway. As he walked into his shared room, Chaewon looked up, smiling.

"Welcome back, Oppa. How was practice today?"

"It wasn't bad," Y/n shrugged, "I'm a little tired."

"Why not sleep?" Chaewon asked.

Y/n grabbed the towel slung over his shoulders, running it over his damp hair, "I might just do that."

Chaewon scooted from her spot, patting the open area beside her, "Come lay down."

Y/n approached the empty bed, sliding in with a sigh. Behind him, the bedroom door opened revealing a half naked Hyewon with damp hair.

"The shower's free," Hyewon commented, "Please shower soon though. We have to leave in a little bit."

Y/n nodded as he flipped onto his back. With a sigh, the man slid out of bed, walking into the hallway before entering the bathroom—joining Chaeyeon as she brushed her teeth.

As they brushed their teeth together, Sakura popped her head into the bathroom with an excited smile spread across her face.

"Y/n, wanna play some LoL?"

"After I get back," Y/n replied.


Y/n spit his toothpaste into the sink, washing his face before reaching for the towel on the counter, grabbing Chaewon's hand.

"The weather is nice, isn't it, Oppa?" Chaewon asked as she  looked back.

"It is," Y/n replied, "I'm glad you could find time in your busy schedule to go out on this date."

Chaewon shook her head, "It's nothing. I was looking forward to this anyway, so I was going to make sure nothing would get in the way of me seeing you."

Y/n smiled as he parted his hand from Chaewon's, "One moment. I need to use the restroom."

Y/n walked through the practice room door, sighing, "Now that my bladder's empty, I'm ready to run through this again."

"Don't fall behind," Chaeyeon teased.

Y/n rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah."

Y/n stepped forward, pivoting his foot as he ran his hand from his left leg to his chest.

"No! No!" Nako scolded, "You're going too fast!!"

"Too fast?" Y/n questioned.

"Count with me. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight..."

"Come on," Eunbi frowned as she entered the practice room, "You're being too hard on him, Nako ya."

"Unnie! He's just not getting it!!"

"Just because he called you short doesn't mean you have to be mean to him. We all know he didn't mean to insult you."

"He's not wrong though," Yujin snickered from the back of the room.

"Don't worry," Chaewon smiled as she approached Y/n with a water bottle, "I think you're doing just fine"

Y/n smiled as he grabbed the bottle from Chaewon. The man stared at the radish member's brunette pony tail, trailing to her outfit consisting of a white shirt, a plaid long-sleeve shirt tied around her waist and a black pair of sports sweatpants.

"I like your outfit today, Chae," Y/n commented.

"Thanks," Chaewon smiled as she leaned in, pecking Y/n on the lips, "You look good today too."

Y/n jolted as his leg muscle contracted.

"Woah, are you okay?" Hyewon asked.

Y/n rubbed his eyes, "Yeah. When did you return home?"

"Like, twenty-three minutes ago. Did you have a nightmare or something? Your hearts beating really fast."

Y/n rubbed his forehead as he finally came to.

"Yeah... It was something."

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