Chapter 223

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Wonyoung smiled as she cuddled JiU's smaller frame in her arms.

"Wonny, shouldn't you be getting back to your dorm? It's past curfew."

"I'll be fine. As long as the members don't tell our manager, there won't be any consequences."

"That's not the problem. You have a schedule tomorrow."

"I don't see the problem here."

"You're going to be suffering tomorrow."

"I don't care. As long as I'm here, I'm happy."

"I don't think you're going to be happy when you have to wake up tomorrow."

"You should provide me with some incentive to get out of bed."

"Why should I provide you with an incentive? It's something you should do normally."

"Because I want to stay here."

"You should go to your dorm."

"I don't wan-"

Wonyoung stopped her sentence as an audibly heavy object fell onto the ground.

"Oppa? What is that?!"

"Oh my... What happened to you?"

Ji Hoon fell on his back, breathing heavily.

Wonyoung sat up, covering herself with the blanket, "Is that Ji Hoon?"

JiU slid out of bed, nodding her head, "Yeah."

As she hovered her hands over Ji Hoon's body, the cuts covering his body closed. After a few seconds, Ji Hoon sat up, rubbing his head.

"Am I dead?"

"Sadly not."


"What happened?"

"They sent an assassin to kill me."

"And that happened? What about the others?"

"They're safe. The younger clone took care of the assassin for me."

"Can you tell me everything that happened from the beginning to the end?"


JiU turned to Wonyoung, gesturing towards the door.

"You should go to your dorm. This is going to take me a bit."

Wonyoung frowned as she exited the room.

"Okay, start."

Ji Hoon nodded, taking a deep breath as he recalled the prior events.

"I was teaching Y/n how to use his powers when I sensed a presence entering the confines of the field I put up. As soon as I felt it, I told Y/n to go to the house. When I found who entered the field, the two of us battled. He had a crazy gimmick where he was able to summon blades out of portals which I assume extended in a three hundred sixty field. I don't know how far it went, but that's what gave me so much trouble. He was also unbelievably fast. I couldn't match his speed. I'm not sure if he had teleportation, but his moves were incredibly one dimensional. Whenever I would attack, he would appear behind me and go for a strike."

"How did the younger clone win then? You're the strongest, no?"

"I am, but the assassin appeared to not care about him. Or- At least it didn't target me while he was around. He didn't seem to think of the younger clone as a target despite us being the same person."

"Which means he was given orders..."

JiU pursed her lips.

"Incredible speed, and omnidirectional blade portals..."

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