Chapter 254

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Sakura and Hyewon turned their heads to the stairs wide eyed.

"What's going on?" Hyewon asked, "Why is Chaewonie shouting?"

"Minju just went up there too," Sakura added.

Y/n closed his eyes, "I think it's best we don't go up there."

Hyewon tilted her head, "Do you know what's happening?"


Ji Hoon propped himself against a wall, wrapping his arms around the radish girl.

"Chaewon ah, what do you mean?"

The man stared worriedly at the woman in his arms. She sobbed uncontrollably causing Ji Hoon and Minju to exchange glances.

"Is there something going on?" Ji Hoon asked softly.

Chaewon nodded.

"Is it something bad?"

Chaewon shook her head.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Chaewon gripped Ji Hoon's shirt, pressing her face against his chest. Moments passed before Chaewon pulled away.

"I don't know what to say..."


Chaewon giggled, "Yeah. Sorry for coming onto you like that. Had Minju ya not come I probably wouldn't have stopped."

"What's going on, Unnie?" Minju asked, "Are you stressed?"

Chaewon sighed, "Yeah. I'm not supposed to say this but I'm the leader of my new group and it's killing me. I don't know how Eunbi unnie did this."

"I see," Minju placed her hands on her hips, "So what was this about Oppa being the only one you could love?"

"Ah-" Chaewon chupsed, creating a hissing sound as she breathed through her teeth, "About that..."

Minju folded her arms, "Go on."

Chaewon pursed her lips, "I don't have anything to say about that. It was kind of a heat of the moment thing."

"I don't know," Minju paused, "It seemed like you were trying to steal him from me."

Chaewon scoffed, "He's the most loyal person in the world, aside from the other him's running around, there's no way I could steal him."

"Mhm," Minju nodded, "Is that why you're reaching for his crotch right now?"

Chaewon withdrew her hand, "Force of habit."

Minju sighed, "Oppa, I don't want you hugging her anymore. She's probably turned on by that."

"I'm not," Chaewon pouted before hugging Ji Hoon tightly, "I may like that kind of stuff, but I know how to appreciate  a hug."

Ji Hoon reciprocated the hug, placing his chin on Chaewon's head.

"So all of this was because you're stressed?" Ji Hoon asked.

"Yeah," Chaewon sighed, "I would just like some time off, but we're actually debuting soon, so I'm not going to get any of that soon."

"You should go hang out with Ji Seok after your practice then," Ji Hoon proposed, "That could help you wind down."

"I feel guilty hanging around him when all I think about is sex," Chaewon frowned.

"Well," Ji Hoon paused, "Let's not think about that."

Chaewon rolled her eyes, "Thanks."

Suddenly, the radish girl turned in her spot, putting her back to Ji Hoon's chest. With the man's arms overlapping over her body, Chaewon let out a hefty sigh.

"I signed that contract thinking it would be great. I thought the new start was what I was looking for, but I just miss being one now..."

Minju nodded, "I feel the same way. I actually declined the contract because I didn't want to be a part of any group other than IZ*ONE."

"If only the maknaes weren't stuck under IVE," Chaewon frowned.

"It's okay," Minju raised the corners of her mouth, "I think this is for the best. Everyone gets to grow on their own and pursue different things."

Chaewon nodded, "I suppose."

"Now move," Minju ordered, "You're in my spot."

"Awe come on!!" Chaewon groaned, "I just got comfortable!"

"That sucks," Minju shrugged, "That's my boyfriend."

Minju held her left hand into the air, pointing to the back of her palm.

"I can't even see your tie," Chaewon mumbled as she stood on her feet.

While the two women swapped places, Ji Hoon repositioned in his spot, stretching his muscles as best as he could.

"Oppa," Minju paused, "Why are you hard?"

"I'm human," Ji Hoon replied, "I can't control the blood flow in my body."

"Didn't have to mention that," Chaewon trailed.

Y/n sighed as he rejoined the conversation between two of the eldest former members.

They sound like they're talking. Good to hear nothing bad happened. I think...


Y/n blinked away from his thoughts, "Yes?"

In front of him, Sakura stared directly into Y/n's eyes—her expression showing slight worry.

"I was asking how your job was treating you."

"Oh," Y/n scratched his neck, "It's treating me well. It's also incredibly boring."

Sakura smiled, "Sounds like exactly what I'd expect as a cashier."

Y/n shrugged, "At least I got to watch a couple become tied."

Sakura's eyes widened, "Really?"

Y/n nodded, "I saw the glow of the tie before it manifested. I actually think it manifested for a bunch of people at the same time."

Sakura glanced at her hands, "I wonder what it'd be like to be tied."

"It doesn't really do much," Y/n replied, "It just adds small things to your life."

"Unless you're me," Hyewon smirked.

Knowing exactly what she was going to do, Y/n smacked Hyewon's shoulder causing her to chuckle.

"I wonder how many pairs are tied though," Sakura commented.

"I do too," Y/n replied, "I also wonder how it's impacting them. I remember how jarring the change was for me, so thinking about how they're affected is quite interesting. Especially because they don't have anyone to help them or any clue of what the tie is."

Sakura's eyes widened, "What if two idols became tied??"

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