Chapter 246

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Y/n stretched as he left the IVE dorm. 

"We were there for a lot longer than I thought we would be," Hyewon commented.

"Yeah," Ji Hoon chuckled, "Y/n talked a lot more than I thought he would."

Y/n shrugged, "They had some interesting topics to talk about."

"Which caused us to sit around for many hours," Minju replied, "Not that I can complain though. It was fun."

Hyewon pursed her lips, "I wonder if we can ask the others to eat lunch with us."

"It's almost dinner time," Ji Hoon mentioned, "Should we just ask them to dinner?"

Hyewon let out a low hum, pinching her chin, "Eunbi unnie has probably eaten already. Yena ya and Yuri ya probably haven't eaten yet."

"What about Chaewon ah or Sakura ssi?" Y/n asked.

"They're probably practicing right now," Minju replied, "It's best not to bother them."

Y/n nodded, "That makes sense."

"Let's go up to the soloist dorms so we can ask the others. Who knows? Noona might not have eaten yet."

The group of four took the elevator to the upper floors, stopping at Eunbi's door first. After a couple knocks, Hyewon waited patiently with the rest of her group waiting behind her. 

Following a faint click, Eunbi's door opened revealing the former leader.

"Oh- What are you guys doing here?"

"We were visiting the maknaes and were wondering if you wanted to join us for dinner," Hyewon answered.

"Sorry," Eunbi frowned, "I already ate."

"That's okay," Hyewon smiled, "It was nice seeing you."

Eunbi smiled back before initiating a hug, "It was nice seeing you too."

Next, the group stopped by Yena's dorm with Minju knocking this time. One significantly longer wait later, Yena appeared behind the door with a surprised smile.

"Hey, this is a nice surprise!"

"We were stopping by and wanted to know if you want to join us for dinner."

Yena pursed her lips, "Yeah. That sounds good to me. Are we going right now?"

Minju nodded.

"Okay," Yena threw a thumbs up, "Let me get changed really quick." 

"We'll be at Yuri's then," Minju replied.

"I'll see you there."

With one last member left, the small party moved to Yuri's dorm with high hopes. 

"You've been pretty accurate so far, Hyewon ah." Ji Hoon commented.

Hyewon nodded with a triumphant smile, "I know my members very well."

With Ji Hoon standing in front of the door this time, the group found themselves waiting longer than they did with Eunbi, but not as long as they did with Yena. 

As she opened the door, Y/n found his eyes drawn to Yuri's comfortable attire. Sporting a gray sweatshirt that dropped just above her knees, Yuri jumped in to give a hug to Ji Hoon.

"What are you guys doing here??"

"Just stopping by," Ji Hoon replied, "Do you want to eat dinner? Yena ya is on the way right now."

"Sure!!" Yuri exclaimed.

As his intrusive thoughts brought Y/n's eyes to Yuri's exposed thighs, the man felt a rush of blood at the forbidden acts. 


Without turning his head, Y/n diverted his eyes to Hyewon, receiving her glare.

"Sorry," Y/n mouthed.

As Yuri walked back into her dorm, Yena approached the group in a varsity jacket and jeans. 

"What'd she say?"

"She's coming along," Minju replied.

While the group waited for Yuri to change, Y/n watched Hyewon turn to him, still wearing her glare.

I'm definitely in trouble...

After Yuri joined the party, the group moved to the food court, splitting up to get their food before reconverging at a random table. Throughout the wait for the food as well as while they ate, save for when a member talked to her, Hyewon remained quiet. In contrast to Hyewon's normal quietness, this was an eerie quiet--like she wanted to say something but couldn't. 

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Yena asked, "You've been quiet."

"Ah," Y/n nodded as he smiled, "I'm fine. I'm just focusing on my food."

"Is it good?" Yena grinned.

Y/n chuckled nervously, "Yeah." 

"Do you mind if I try some?" Yuri asked while leaning over, "I've been eyeing that place for a while now."

Y/n glanced toward Hyewon before sliding his plate over to Yuri, allowing her to take a bite of Y/n's food.

"Mmm!!!" Yuri covered her mouth, "This is really good!!"

Ji Hoon pursed his lips while he watched the scene before him. Noticing this, Y/n mouthed the word, "Help," prompting Ji Hoon to shake his head with a saddened expression. 

For the rest of dinner, Y/n continued to watch the former IZ*ONE members indulge in their food, and each other's company, keeping to himself just as Ji Hoon had opted to as well.

"So Yuri ya," Minju smiled as she swallowed her food, "Do you have any comebacks planned? After Eunbi unnie's release of Esper and the Color album, I would think that you would have something prepared. She's your competition after all."

"I do," Yuri grinned, "In all honesty, the album name doesn't really fit the title track, but it's really something."

Yena bumped the younger with a smug smirk, "Can we get some spoilers?" 

Yuri scoffed, "No. What about you? When are you going to have a comeback? There's been quite a drought for you."

Yena rolled her eyes, "I've been busy with other things. I won't say anything about my comeback though."

Hyewon furrowed her eyebrows, "Why are you guys so secretive about your comebacks?"

"If you're so open about it, what's the details on your next song, Unnie?" Yuri taunted.

Y/n tilted his head, "Next song?"

Ji Hoon face palmed while the rest of the table turned to Y/n with a shocked face.

"Ya," Yena paused, "You know about her Winter Poem album, right?"

Y/n turned to the duck with eyes begging to pop out of his head, "She released an entire album?!"

Ji Hoon planted both of his palms onto his face, dragging his hands down until the pads of his fingertips touched the bridge of his nose.

"Oppa, how did you not know about the album?" Minju asked, "She's your girlfriend after all..."

Y/n rubbed his forehead, actively looking away from Hyewon's fatal glare. Even if he didn't have the tie screaming at him, sending pulses of anxiety to his spine, Y/n knew very well that Hyewon was nowhere near happy. 

I'm so fucked...

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