Chapter 251

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Chaewon extended her hand, taking the cup of coffee from Ji Hoon's hand.

"Okay, I'll see you guys later then."

"How are you getting to our house?" Y/n asked, "Do you know our address?"

"I'll ask Hyewon unnie," Chaewon answered, "Minju ya might be in the area too, so I have options."

After Chaewon left, Y/n found himself alone in the front of the café once more prompting him to read until the first steady stream of customers entered the building.

For the rest of his work day Y/n stood in his spot relatively bored. The once interesting sight of student interactions bored the man and there was nothing he could do about it.

Ji Hoon placed his hand on Y/n's shoulder, grabbing the younger's attention.

"Let's go home."

Y/n nodded, following Ji Hoon through the door. Once they arrived home, Y/n plopped on top of his bed, basking in the comfort of his own sheets. To his right, Hyewon scrolled through her phone.

"Hey, Hyewon ah."

Hyewon hummed in response, keeping her eyes on the screen before her.

"Has anything changed?"

Hyewon shook her head, "I don't think we'll have to worry."

"That's good to hear," Y/n sighed.

Hyewon nodded, "I was a little worried, but I guess we got lucky."

"Technically," Y/n trailed, "We weren't lucky because it's not that common to get pregnant."

"Okay," Hyewon scoffed, rolling her eyes, "I'll keep that in mind next time we do it so I can give you a scare."

"Hey," Y/n grinned, "I'm not the one with a public image."


Y/n chuckled, "Hey, I have news for you."

Hyewon turned to Y/n, her eyes disinterested in the topic--more interested in staring at her boyfriend.

"Chaewon ah and Sakura ssi are coming over later today."

In an instant Hyewon's eyes widened far beyond their resting state--giving Y/n a good smile.

"They are?" Hyewon asked, "Why?"

"Chaewon ah visited Hyung and I at work earlier today, and I asked if she wanted to come over tonight and she asked if she could bring Sakura ssi."

Hyewon bounced in her spot before pulling Y/n into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Y/n!!"

"For what?" Y/n questioned.

"For causing this to happen!"

"Oh," Y/n smiled, "You're welcome."

Hyewon separated from the hug, "You should tell Minju ya so she can plan for dinner."

"I'm sure Hyung has already told her," Y/n reasoned.

"Still," Hyewon protested, "You should check up on them to make sure she knows."

Y/n slid out of bed, "Alright."

Y/n paced toward the other couple's room, knocking before opening the door to reveal Minju and Ji Hoon laying on their own sides of the bed.

"Minju ya."

"Hm?" Minju responded.

"Did Hyung tell you about our two guests today?"

A wide smile grew on Minju's face as she nodded, "Yep!"

"Do you know what you're going to make for dinner?"

Minju protruded her lips, "I didn't..."

"You should probably make something light for them so they don't feel weighed down in the morning," Ji Hoon commented.

"Yeah," Minju scratched her head, "That sounds good."

With the other tied couple discussing their dinner options for the night, Y/n returned to his room with Hyewon's eyes on him once more.


"They're currently planning out our dinner," Y/n answered.

"Good," Hyewon smiled, "I'm excited."

"You're a lot more excited than I thought you would be for this," Y/n chuckled.

"Because I have seen Kkura unnie in so long- Chaewonie too."

"You didn't react like this to Chaeyeon ssi," Y/n commented.

"Because we were in public," Hyewon mumbled.

"Well, whatever the reason," Y/n stretched his arms, "I think we should do something to pass the time."

"Like what?" Hyewon asked.

Y/n shrugged, "I don't know about you but I suddenly feel like watching your guys' content."

Hyewon scrunched her nose, shaking her head, "You can do that alone. I don't want to see that stuff."

"Why not?" Y/n chuckled, "Is there something wrong with it?"

"I don't like watching myself," Hyewon replied.

"It could be like a trip down memory lane," Y/n argued.

"I don't feel like walking down there," Hyewon waved, "You can do that in the living room. We have a big TV after all."

Y/n turned toward the door, "I might just do that."

"Have fun."

As he turned the corner, Y/n poke his head through the door, gaining Hyewon's attention once more.

"Oh yeah, did you know Yuri ssi is gay?"

Hyewon's face morphed into pure amusement prompting her to cover her smile with her hand as she let out small giggles.

"Did Chaewonie tell you that?" Hyewon asked in her laughter.

"Yeah. How come I seem to be the only person who doesn't know?"

"Practically the entire group knew Yena ya and Yuri ya were dating. Since you practically never interacted with them in an environment past surface level friends, and never asked, you didn't really have a chance to find out," Hyewon explained, "I wish I could have seen your face when you found out."

"Are there any other members who are gay?" Y/n asked, "I'm not judging, I'm just really curious."

"I'm pretty sure Kkura unnie and Chaeyeonie are on the brink of dating as well," Hyewon replied.

"Oh," Y/n nodded, "I saw that one coming."

"I think Nako ya is bi, but I could be wrong," Hyewon continued, "But the rest of us are straight--unless Eunbi unnie is hiding something. Oh- Tomi might be asexual."

Y/n blinked, "And here I thought you were all straight..."

"I don't blame you," Hyewon chuckled, "The only members you did manage to get close to were all straight and the rest never really showed it."

"Why didn't either Yuri ssi or Yena ssi show hints of this?"

"You just weren't looking at the right things," Hyewon sneered, "I don't expect you to pay attention to the way either of those two look at each other. That's practically the only you could have found out since they'd rather be private with their affection."

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