Chapter 233

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After their dinner date, Y/n and Hyewon took a bus back to their neighborhood, opting to take a walk around the area before returning home. On the route home Hyewon spotted a playground, dragging Y/n rather forcefully.

"Push me on the swing!!"

"Not so loud, Hyewon ah," Y/n scolded, "There are houses not too far from here."

Hyewon flashed a giddy smile as she sat on the plastic seat supported by chains, causing Y/n to crumble in his spot.

"You're like a coin, you know?"

Hyewon tilted her head, "A coin?"

Y/n nodded, "You're either really quiet, or this."

"Is there something with this?" Hyewon asked with a slight pout.

Y/n pursed his lips, looking toward the sky, "Nope. Not at all."

"Good. Now push me."

Y/n moved behind his girlfriend, placing his hands on her lower back.

"How high do you want to go?"

Hyewon shrugged, "No matter to me."


Y/n gave Hyewon a light shove, allowing her to take off from her resting position. On the way back, Y/n prepared to push her once more, pressing on the woman as she ended the apex of her backward swing.

Whenever he could, Y/n found himself tilting to the side--even moving out of the way to catch a glimpse of Hyewon's face as she swung.

She's really having fun.

Once she gained enough momentum, Hyewon began swinging on her own, allowing Y/n the chance to watch her swing from the front.

The look of pure joy before the man was something he wouldn't be able to replace in his life. No amount of cuddling or eating seemed to replace the feeling both parties experienced together.

Both party's smiles appeared to resonate with one another's, amplifying the experience. At that moment, Y/n felt the happiest he had felt in a while.

Just as he moved to get a closer look of his girlfriend, Y/n winced in pain. A slight pinch drew Y/n's attention to his hand. When he looked, to massage the spot, a faint coral hued string-like structure ran from his hand.

Wait... No way-

Y/n followed the string's path, gasping as he realized it ended with Hyewon's hand.

I'm Tied again!?

A flood of clashing emotions hit Y/n, seemingly drawing Hyewon's attention.

"Y/n? What's wrong-"

Hyewon gasped as the realization she felt the change in Y/n's heart rate hit her like a freight train. Without hesitating, Hyewon jumped from the apex of her forward momentum, landing on the soft wood chips beneath her before rushing to Y/n's side.

"Is this real?!"

Y/n nodded, "This feels like the real thing."

"How did this happen??"

A mixture of worry and excitement filled Hyewon as she moved her hand, causing the tie to move in response.

"Are we dreaming?" Hyewon breathed.

Y/n shook his head, "No. We're not."

Without saying another word, the couple walked back to their home, both sighing as they sat at the island counter.

Suddenly, a pair of footsteps descended the stairs drawing Y/n and Hyewon's attention. At the base of the stairs, both Minju and Ji Hoon sluggishly walked hand in hand.

"I'm sorry, Y/n," Ji Hoon frowned, "Have you eaten yet?"

"I have," Y/n replied, "Hyewon ah and I just ate recently."

"Is that so? What did you two eat? I don't smell anything."

"We ate out. Should we have gotten you two something to eat as well?"

Ji Hoon shook his head, "We can make something. How long have you guys been back?"

"We just got back," Y/n answered, "We were at a nearby park for a bit, but our tie came back so we went straight home?"

Minju rubbed her droopy eyes, "I can see that."

Hyewon's eyes widened, "You can see our tie?!"

Minju nodded, "I can see it very clearly. It matches your official color, Unnie."

"Does that mean-"

"You guys are tied as well?" Y/n finished.

Ji Hoon nodded as he held his right hand up, "We have a white one. It's not letting us go very far though."

"I assume you're taking those two days off then."


Y/n pursed his lips, "I wonder if that one couple became tied as well."

Ji Hoon raised an eyebrow, "Oh, that one you mentioned at the café?"

Y/n nodded, "It's probably just a coincidence, but we might have gotten our ties at the same time."

"It could have been a chain reaction or something," Ji Hoon reasoned.

"I guess we'll have to wait and see."

Hyewon suddenly stood on her feet, "Wait, how far does our tie go?"

Y/n shrugged, "I don't know. It went quite far before so I don't think we can measure it well right now."

Hyewon pursed her lips, "We're going to have to find out soon or later though--with us having to separate every day."

Y/n rubbed his forehead, "That's true..."

"How about you guys get up early tomorrow so Y/n can walk to the store and Hyewon can move as far away as possible to find out the range she can move," Ji Hoon proposed.

"How would we do that?" Hyewon asked, "I'd have to travel a lot of distance."

"You could ask Chaeyeon," Ji Hoon replied, "She lives nearby and has a car."

Y/n furrowed an eyebrow, "You knew she lives nearby?"

Ji Hoon nodded, "Mhm. We talked about it once."

"That's nice."

Hyewon let out a low sigh as she ran the idea through her head.

"Yeah. I guess we can try that. I'll text Chaeyeonnie. In the meantime, Y/n, let's head to bed since it's quite late."

Y/n nodded, prompting the couple to walk upstairs leaving just Minju and Ji Hoon on the ground floor.

Minju yawned as she rubbed her stomach, "I wonder what we're going to be able to do with our ties."

Before Ji Hoon could answer, Minju opened her eyes--free of any drowsiness.


Ji Hoon furrowed his eyebrows, "What?"

"I can read your mind. You were thinking you can sense where I am."

"I'm not sure if that's the extent of what we can do," Ji Hoon commented.

Minju shrugged as she walked to the pantry. As she dug through the available ingredients and snacks at her disposal, Ji Hoon made a popping sound with his lips.

"I guess I found something else I can do."

Minju turned around with a curious look on her face, "Hm?"

Ji Hoon walked behind the counter, crouching down.

"I can see your silhouette through walls."

Minju pursed her lips as she nodded, "I can too."

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