Chapter 248

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Hyewon pried the door open, eyeing the human-sized lump in the bed. From what she could see, Y/n slept peacefully prompting her to quietly close the door, using her free hand to push against the door to ensure she was as quiet as she could be.

Seriously... Why am I the one that has to sort this out? He was the one that checked her out after all.

On her way back to her room, Hyewon passed the eldest resident on his way to his room. Despite not thinking she did anything wrong, Hyewon felt anxious by his presence.

Once in the safety of her bed, Hyewon rolled onto her side with her phone in hand.

If he's truly sorry, he'll come and apologize for yesterday. I'll forgive him, and things will go back to normal.

Hyewon laid in bed for hours, slowly questioning more and more why Y/n hadn't visited her to resolve the issue. Thoughtless thoughts swayed in the back of Hyewon's mind as her internal monologue whispered to her.

Is he avoiding me? Is it because of how harsh I was yesterday? Should I go up to him? No.

Hyewon continued waiting only for her irritation to build up once more.

Why isn't he coming here??

Hyewon rolled in her spot repeatedly closing and reopening apps in a meaningless attempt to pass the time.

Y/n laid sprawled on Ji Hoon and Minju's bed facing the ceiling.

This bed is way more comfortable than mine...

Through his tie, Y/n continuously felt Hyewon's irritation seep into his mind, harmlessly warning him of his girlfriend's state.

I guess she's awake now.

Y/n sighed.

Judging from how she was last night, she probably calmed down a little, but she's growing more irritated... Is she still thinking about it?

Y/n rubbed his forehead, turning restlessly until the door clicked open, gaining his attention.

From a small crack in the door, large enough for a human to fit through, Minju stuck her head through the opening in search of Y/n.

"Dinner's ready."

Y/n nodded in response, sighing once more as Minju closed the door.

Dinner's going to be real awkward.

With a little struggle Y/n slid out of bed, each step seemingly pulling him back as if his legs were at the mercy of his stomach whom wished to avoid the confrontation all together.

On the small space between the first and second flight of stairs, Y/n peeked around the corner in search of his girlfriend. To his surprise, Ji Hoon remained as the only person eating at the island counter.

Confused, Y/n turned his attention to the kitchen right behind it, finding no sign of the local frog chef.

That's weird...

Y/n scaled the second flight of stairs, sneaking toward his bedroom to find it vacant.

Where are those two?

Feeling a slight release in his churning stomach, Y/n walked down the stairs comfortably. As he pressed his foot on the ground floor, Y/n felt his uneasiness return.

Sitting on the couch, Hyewon and Minju leaned over the coffee table with two plates of food beneath them.

That's where they were!!! Why didn't I look at the tie?!

Y/n felt his heart drop as Hyewon glanced at him. The mere second she took to acknowledge his presence felt like a minute where each passing second was observed through a child full of anticipation.

Alas, Y/n felt the tension fizzle once Hyewon looked back toward the quiet TV.

At the island counter, Ji Hoon looked up from his plate, nodding toward Y/n.

"Hey, you sure slept a lot today."

"Yeah," Y/n replied monotonously.

"How was it?"

"My sleep?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah," Ji Hoon answered before shoveling a scoop of rice into his mouth.

"It wasn't bad," Y/n sighed, "Just very forced—granted I didn't sleep the entire time."

"Are you going to be able to sleep enough for work tomorrow?" Ji Hoon chuckled.

Y/n pursed his lips, "I sure hope so."

"You'll be fine," Ji Hoon waved dismissively, "You don't have to do much anyway."

"It's because I don't have to do much that I'd hope I can sleep," Y/n argued.

Ji Hoon grinned, "I guess that's true. Wouldn't want ya sleeping on the job."

Y/n glanced toward the girls on the couch, frowning as he watched Hyewon put her head on Minju's shoulder.

"Yeah. Let's just hope I can sleep."

Ji Hoon hummed without diverting his attention away from the meal in front of him.

Yena blinked as she stared at the ceiling.

"Hey, Love?"

Yuri looked up from her phone, grabbing onto Yena's arm which rested around her shoulder.


"Is it just me, or did Hyewon ah seem really pissed yesterday—and not just because Y/n didn't listen to her music."

"Oh," Yuri turned in her spot, wrapping her arm around Yena's navel, "That's because Y/n ssi was checking me out yesterday—or at least he looked at my thighs."

Yena furrowed her eyebrows, "Huh?! Why would he do that??"

Yuri shrugged, "I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and saying that he wasn't in the right mind or something."

"Maybe he's a pervert," Yena gasped.

"He lived in a dorm with five other girls, with one of them being a minor," Yuri argued, "I don't think he would be one seeing how no one has mentioned this before."

"But maybe it has happened before and that's why Hyewon ah was so upset," Yena continued.

"Then he'll get a thorough talking to from Hyewon unnie," Yuri replied.

"Oh well," Yena shrugged as she pulled Yuri closer, "It doesn't matter because he can't have you."

Yuri smiled as she hummed. Through the couple's tie, both Yena and Yuri felt their attraction towards one another bolster, prompting them to look into each other's eyes.

"I love you, Yuri ya," Yena breathed softly.

"I love you too, Unnie."

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