Chapter 235

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Y/n yawned as he slid out of bed at a much more preferred time. It wasn't like sleeping it, but at least he didn't have to stare at the sunless sky for too long. After checking up on the snoozing couple occupying his former guest room Y/n made his way to work—book in hand.

Just one more day.

Y/n sighed as he walked into work. As per usual, the only person present was the manager.

I don't know why I expected more people to be here.

Y/n sat on his stool flipping through the pages as he passed the initial soulless hours. Whenever a customer would walk in, Y/n would place his book on his stool before taking the customer's order.

"Thank you," The woman smiled as Y/n handed her an iced coffee.

She has a nice voice.

"Thank you for coming," Y/n smiled back.

As Y/n returned behind the counter the bell at the door jingled once more, grabbing Y/n's attention.


"Hello," The customer greeted , "May I get-"

"You're not slick, Hyewon ah," Y/n chuckled, "I know what you look like with a mask on."

"That fast huh..."

Though he couldn't see her face, Y/n could tell his girlfriend was frowning.

"What would you like to order, Miss," Y/n grinned.

"I'm not sure," Hyewon replied as she locked eyes with the man she felt an intense attraction towards, "What do you recommend?"

"What do I recommend?" Y/n hummed as he stared at the ceiling, "I recommend you go back to my place and I can make you something there."

Hyewon giggled as she turned away in hopes of hiding her blush.

"Wow," A voice chuckled from the kitchen door, "I never thought I'd see you flirting on the job, Y/n."

Y/n's eyes widened as he turned toward his boss.

"Sh-She's my girlfriend, Manager-nim."

"Oh," The manager pursed her lips, "That makes a lot more sense. Have fun then."

As the woman walked back into the kitchen, Y/n turned back to his girlfriend.

"What brings you here?"

"I thought it'd be nice to see you work," Hyewon replied.

"You should come back around noon," Y/n chuckled.

"Can't," Hyewon frowned through her mask, "I have a photoshoot in a little bit and that ends around five pm."

"That's a shame. You'll just have to come back another day."

Hyewon shrugged, "Maybe one day I'll come back if I'm awake at this time again."

"This time?" Y/n furrowed an eyebrow, "It's ten."

"And? My schedule shifts and most of the time I don't need to leave the house before noon."

"I mean I guess..."

"Ji Hoon oppa says he feels bad for leaving you alone at work," Hyewon said as she leaned against the corner.

"He does?" Y/n asked, walking around the counter.

Y/n gestured toward a seat, bringing the couple next to one another.

"Yeah. He said it'll only be like a day or two before he can come back."

Y/n shrugged, "I don't mind being here alone. He's in the back rooms ninety percent of the time anyway."

Hyewon turned her head to the counter, eyeing the spot Y/n stood in as she entered.

"What do you even do while there aren't any customers around?"

"Read," Y/n replied.

"Of course you do," Hyewon chortled.

Y/n raised an eyebrow, "Is there something wrong with that?"

Hyewon shook her head, "I was just thinking that there's nothing else you do at home, so why wouldn't you read?"

"If I'm not reading I'm probably just scrolling through my phone. Although, I'm trying to see if I can play your music while there aren't customers around. Or, maybe while customers are around."

Hyewon furrowed her eyebrows, "I don't think Fiesta is a good background song for this place."

"I could play the ballads or something," Y/n reasoned, "Some of them would make great background music for this place."

Hyewon swayed her head, "Depends on the song you play."

"I'd have to look into that."

Hyewon checked her phone, sighing, "I have to go. I'll be home a little bit later than five."

Y/n tilted his head, "Why?"

"I'm trying to get my license " Hyewon smiled—the corners of her eyes sharpening and her cheeks raising being the only indication she was.

"Oh, have you looked for a car?"

Hyewon shook her head, "Chaeyeon unnie said I could take one of her family's. Apparently her family bought her sister one, but she never uses it."

"Since she's almost never home."

Hyewon nodded.

"I see, not bad."

"You should get your license soon," Hyewon commented.

Y/n shook his head, "I've never been behind the wheel."

"I can teach you."


Hyewon nudged Y/n with her arm, "You have to because Ji Hoon oppa can't."

"We could ask Ms. Idol Goddess to forge him an identification or something."

Hyewon let out a soft sigh, "I wonder how that would go," 

"We'll never know unless we try."

Hyewon raised an eyebrow, "Do you want to be the one to try?"

Y/n scoffed, "Absolutely not. She'll probably be like, 'I'm busy' or something."

Hyewon stood from her seat, "We'll then for now it seems like Minju ya and I will be the ones driving you guys around."

"I'm fine with that," Y/n replied, "You guys need your licenses the most after all."

"Let's just hope I pass."

Y/n waved his girlfriend off before returning to his spot. A few hours later, Y/n found himself watching the student couples come and go as some hung around, others ordered and left. Regardless of what they did, Y/n found some entertainment in their immature mannerisms. 

Though he had grown fond of living the high school experience through these broken interactions before him, Y/n also wasn't quite fond of how loud the café grew when it filled with high schoolers.

Alas, the man grew used to it as that was the only thing he could afford to do. As he autopiloted his way through the plenty of orders before him, Y/n found the opportunity to serve the food and drinks. 

Slowly, the man moved from table to table giving each customer their order. Just as he neared his break from the chaos, Y/n placed the last of the orders on a table in front of what he assumed to be a couple. When he looked up, Y/n furrowed his eyebrows--stepping back a bit before opening his mouth.

"Chaewon ah?!"

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