Chapter 232

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Slowly, the sun set and the moon began to rise, but Hyewon was nowhere to be found. As time passed, Y/n caught himself frequently checking the time increasing his anxiousness with each checkup.

Where is she?! It's ten at night...

Y/n paced around his room, checking on his housemates once more before returning to bed.

What's going on tonight? Hyung and Minju have been asleep for more than four hours, and Hyewon ah hasn't returned home...

Y/n continued to search around the house for something to take his mind off the situation until he heard a click at the front door. Without realizing he did so, Y/n rushed to the door, sighing in relief as he watched an exhausted Hyewon walk through the entrance.

"There you are!!"

Hyewon looked up with wide eyes, "You were looking for me?"

Y/n walked next to his girlfriend, wrapping his arms around her smaller frame, "Yes! It's really late, and I got really worried. I didn't want to text you because you made an off comment once that you don't like receiving texts or calls while you work and..."

Hyewon chuckled as she reciprocated the hug, "I'm sorry for worrying you. I just stayed extra so I could finish early."

Y/n pulled away from the hug, "Finish early?"

Hyewon nodded, "We were ahead of schedule, so we all agreed to push ourselves a little more so we could finish everything tonight. That way we could spare ourselves the trip tomorrow."

A small smile crept on Y/n's face, "Does that mean you have tomorrow off?"

Hyewon shook her head, "I still have something to do tomorrow, I'll just be home sooner than normal."

"Ah, I see."

"I don't smell anything, did you guys already pack up the food?"

Y/n scratched his head, "Uh... So the other two have been sleeping the entire time."

Hyewon gasped, "Does that mean you haven't eaten yet?!"

Y/n shook his head, "I had a bowl of cereal."

"Ya, that's not a full meal. Let's go out and eat."

"This late?" Y/n asked.

Hyewon shrugged, "Why not? We can see if there's anything open nearby."

"I doubt there will be," Y/n replied, "We'll probably have to travel some distance to find a restaurant or something."

"Okay," Hyewon smiled, "Let's take the bus."

"Aren't you tired?"

Hyewon shook her head, "When it comes to food, I'm never tired."

"If you say so," Y/n chuckled.

Hyewon waved Y/n off, signaling she wanted him to change before the couple went on their date. After he did so, the two walked to the nearest bus stop--both wearing a mask and a cap.

While they sat on the bench, Hyewon wrapped herself around Y/n's arm, rubbing it for warmth.

"You probably should have changed as well," Y/n commented.

Hyewon shook her head, "I'll be fine. I just need to sap some heat from you?"

Y/n chuckled, "What if I want the heat?"

"That sucks."

The two cuddled in their seats for a while until the bus eventually arrived, allowing them to travel to the edge of the city. As Hyewon's stomach grumbled, the couple decided to walk into a random restaurant in hopes that it satisfied both parties.

While searching for a preferable spot Hyewon gasped, grabbing Y/n's attention. Without saying a word, Hyewon approached a random table, tapping on the woman who sat alone.


The woman turned around, revealing herself as Hyewon's former bandmate.

"Oh- Unnie?! What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" Hyewon asked, "I wouldn't expect you to be on the edge of the city."

"Oh, my family's house isn't too far from here."

"Is that so?" Hyewon protruded her lips as she nodded, "This is a nice coincidence."

Chaeyeon smiled, "I agree. I have to get going though. It's getting late."

Hyewon hugged Chaeyeon as she stood on her feet waving at the feather as she left the restaurant. With the couple left as the only ones in the restaurant, Y/n and Hyewon sat on the inside of the restaurant--as far away from windows as they could.

"So," Hyewon said as she rested her cheek on her hand, "How has work been? It's been a while since you've last worked, right?"

Y/n chuckled, "Yeah. It's been alright. It's boring as hell because we don't really get many customers until the end of my shift, but I don't mind it. There's this specific couple though..."

Hyewon raised an eyebrow, "A couple?"

"Yeah," Y/n smiled, "There's this pair of students who seem really interested in each other. I'm not sure if they're one hundred percent dating, but they visited the café twice in a row together. They were even studying today."

"That's pretty cute," Hyewon giggled before switching to a more serious face, "I hope you're not staring at them the entire time though."

Y/n threw his hands into the air, "I'm not! There's just one thing."

"One thing?'

Y/n nodded, "They're developing a tie."

Hyewon's eyes widened, "Really?!"

"Yeah. I saw a glimpse of it yesterday, but today I saw the boy's right hand glowing. I'm pretty sure that means he has a tie developing."

"Do you think they're going to visit tomorrow? You might be able to check again then."

Y/n scratched his head, "I might have uh... scared them away..."

Hyewon furrowed her eyebrows, "How??"

"So," Y/n pursed his lips, "I told the boy that something might happen and that he needs to pay attention to his hands. They seemed very skeptical and might have thought I was crazy."

"But if they develop a tie, they're going to remember what you told them and try to seek you out, right?"

"I mean, that might be true, but I won't know unless they develop a tie."

Hyewon pushed her lips to the side, creating an indent in her cheek, "I guess you'll just have to wait and see how it plays out. I'm pretty surprised you were able to see the tie's glow though."

"Right?!" Y/n chuckled, "It surprised me too. I guess it's not that big of a deal though cause other people were able to see our tie after all."

"That was mostly just Wonyoungie and JiU."

"My point still stands," Y/n argued, "I just wonder what it would be like if we were to be tied again."

Hyewon shrugged, "I don't think much would change. We were tired for a really long time after all."

Y/n nodded, "That's true."

Hyewon watched as the waitress brought the couple their orders.

"Enough talking. I'm hungry."

Y/n smiled as he watched Hyewon dig into her food.

"Okay, okay."

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