Chapter 241

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"You had a nightmare?" Hyewon asked, "What was it about?"

"Uh," Y/n rubbed his eyes, "It wasn't actually a nightmare. It was just a really weird dream."

Hyewon smiled, "Did you dream of me?"

Y/n paused, "Yeah you were there. I think everyone was there."

"Everyone?" Hyewon questioned, "Like the girls?"

Y/n nodded, "Yeah. It didn't make any sense though. I actually can't really remember it anymore."

Hyewon pursed her lips, "That makes sense. It was a dream."

Y/n pulled Hyewon closer, shaking the effects of the dream, "I prefer this much more."

"How cheesy," Hyewon commented.

"Sorry," Y/n chuckled, "How are you feeling though?"

Hyewon furrowed an eyebrow, "Fine. Why?"

Y/n shrugged, "Just wondering if you were feeling anything yet."

Hyewon rolled her eyes, "It's not going to settle this early."

"I hope it doesn't settle at all," Y/n chortled.

Hyewon turned onto her side, placing her cheek on Y/n's chest, "I'll tell you if I feel anything."


Suddenly Minju popped her head into the doorway with a smile plastered across her face.

"Do you guys want to go grocery shopping with us?"

Y/n turned to Hyewon with protruded lips, "I don't see why not."

Hyewon nodded, sliding out of bed, "Are we just going grocery shopping?"

"Yep," Minju replied, "Oppa just thought it'd be nice if the four of us went out together since we haven't really hung out as four in a little bit."

"Sounds good to me," Y/n replied as he slid his socks on, "How are we getting there though?"

"While you were asleep, Chaeyeon unnie dropped off Hyewon unnie's car and I got one myself," Minju answered.

"Oh?" Y/n raised an eyebrow, "What kind of car did you get?"

"A twenty twenty-one Kia K-Five."

"Woah," Y/n blinked, "How much did it cost?"

"Twenty-five million won," Minju smiled.

"That's a really good deal," Hyewon commented.

"Right?" Minju giggled, "I did a little bit of sweet talking and got them to lower the price."

Both couples eventually made their way to their cars with Minju and Hyewon smiling at each other as they started their cars. At their nearest grocery store, Hyewon and Minju walked the aisles with Y/n pushing the cart. Ji Hoon split off from the group as soon as they entered the store with the promise of meats.

"What should we get?" Hyewon asked as she eyed the seasonings lining the shelves before her.

"Do we need seasonings?" Y/n asked.

"Oh," Minju scanned the aisle, eventually approaching a bag with white contents, "Oppa told me to pick up MSG."

"MSG?" Hyewon tilted her head, "He uses that?"

Minju shook her head, "No, but he said it's the seasoning of the gods and that it'll make my food taste infinitely better."

"Okay then."

The trio continued their shopping spree, grabbing a variety of nonessential items. After a little bit of a wait, Ji Hoon arrived with multiple packs of meat as well as multiple bags of fruits and vegetables.

"I got most of the stuff we need," Ji Hoon turned to Y/n and Hyewon, "Is there anything you two want?"

Y/n shook his head, "I can't think of anything, and Hyewon ah has already picked up the stuff she wants."

"Oh!" Hyewon snapped her fingers, "I'm going to go grab a bag of chips!"

"I'll go with her," Minju said as she followed the older woman.

As the two made their way to the chip aisle, Hyewon reached for the biggest bag that caught her eye, bumping a feminine hand that reached for the same bag.

"Oh- I'm sorry about that," Hyewon turned to the owner of the hand, "Chaewonie?!"

Hyewon rubbed her eyes, bowing toward the girl and as well as her parents.

"I'm sincerely sorry, I thought you were someone else."

Before the girl, the boy next to her, or the adults behind the pair could respond, Hyewon handed the girl the bag of chips, grabbing the bag behind before rushing away.

"That was really awkward," Hyewon breathed.

"I can't believe you shouted Unnie's name so loud."

"She looked just like her!!" Hyewon whispered.

"Unnie's not that short though," Minju commented.

"Did you get a good look at her though?"

Minju shook her head, "You were blocking her."

Hyewon sighed as he returned to the cart, "Maybe I was just seeing things."

"Seeing what?" Y/n asked.

"I saw a girl who looked just like Chaewon."

Y/n's eyes widened, "You did?? Was she next to a boy?"

Hyewon nodded, "Why?"

"I know those two. They're the tied couple I mentioned."

Hyewon shook her head, "You really weren't kidding then."

"Right?" Y/n chuckled.

Ji Hoon gestured toward the end of the aisle with his head, "Want to go say hi to them, Y/n?"

Y/n let go of the cart, starting toward his older friend, "Sure, why not?"

"We might as well go with them," Minju reasoned.

Hyewon sighed, "I don't want things to get more awkward."

"It won't be," Minju giggled, "I'm sure things will be perfectly fine."

Y/n and Ji Hoon walked through the aisle ends, searching for the familiar pair. After almost giving up, Y/n spotted their favorite pair of high schoolers standing next to a pair of adults in the produce section.

"Let's go say hi," Ji Hoon smiled.

Y/n led the two to the student couple, smiling as he waved toward them.

"Hey, you two," Y/n greeted, "How are things going?"

The two adults turned to Y/n and Ji Hoon before turning to the girl.

"Do you know these two?"

The girl nodded, "These are the two I mentioned that work at the café we visit who are going through the same thing that we are."

The man turned to Y/n, extending his hand, "Hello, I'm Kim Weonshik."

Y/n stared at the hand while Ji Hoon took the hand, firmly shaking it.

"I'm sorry about that," The woman apologized, "He was born in America, so a lot of their traditions are ingrained in him."

"No worries," Ji Hoon smiled, "I'm Choi Ji Hoon, and this is my friend Y/n. If your children ever need help with their situation, we're always happy to help them."

Weonshik reached into his pocket, grabbing his phone.

"Could we exchange contact information? That way I'd be able to reach out to you if something were to ever happen."

"Of course," Ji Hoon replied as he took Weonshik's extended phone, "If your child ever experiences intense pains or difficulties, I or Y/n can help."

"Thank you so much," Weonshik smiled.


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