Chapter 1

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A guy in gray cardigan, simply arranging book on the shelf on wall. A nice melody could be heard in the room.

Nie Mingjue started smiling while peeking at the words engraved on his chest. No! that wasn't a ordinary tattoo. It was a soulmate tattoo.

A soulmate is someone, you are meant to be for your whole life. It shows the name of the person you're meant to love. It usually appears, when you turned 18. But if it didn't, then it could be at a age of 20.

For him it was an exciting feeling, finding your soulmate, falling in love with them and living with them for the whole life.

He got this tattoo a week ago, when he turned 20. The romantic melody and his already feelings for his soulmate were pushing him to throw the books and just dance on the slow melody.

He place the last book on the shelf, as he closed his eyes and swayed his body in the rhythm. Enjoying the music, imagining his soulmate around him. He never meet him, but in this one week. The more he imagine him, the more he gets eager to meet him.

It was calm and enjoyable moment for him. Maybe too calm that it doesn't suit his life. He heard a loud voice screaming at him. Making him fall on the ground by the sudden attack.



He looks at the source of the voice and met with the pair of very familiar eyes. He smiled as he got up from the ground. And ran towards his childhood best friend.

Nie Mingjue: Wen Qing! Long time no see.

Wen Ning: I literally left you for 2 years.

Nie Mingjue: But they are enough to make me miss you.

Wen Qing: Are you working on your flirting techniques?
If yes, then they are working.

Nie Mingjue: Hehe! thanks.

They got silent, Mingjue pulled her in a hug. While whispering how much he missed her. As she replied him while smiling at his loving nature.

Nie Mingjue: A-qing! I wanna tell you something really exciting.

He said literally jumping in excitement to share this news to his best friend. She shows the same enthusiasm to hip him up.

Wen Qing: What is it, A-jue?

Nie Mingjue: I can't tell you, I would show you.

He started to unbutton his cardigan, as he shows her his soulmate tattoo. A name engraved in beautiful calligraphy in royal blue color. Lan Xichen.

Wen Qing tried to show him, the same excitement for her best friend by smiling widely at him. But deep down she didn't felt that happiness.

I have really gone mad! 🤡
That's why I'm uploading this at 1 AM. 🙄

Hope you like it.
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Have a nice day.

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