Chapter 15

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Lan Xichen woke up with a bad headache and to worsen it more, he found about the news of his other soulmate and his boyfriend.

Lan Xichen: So you are telling me, that last night you found that Jiang Cheng. And he have a boyfriend, who's also his soulmate?

Nie Mingjue: *nod*

Lan Xichen: Wait a minute! Me and Jiang Cheng are your soulmate! But my soulmate is Jiang Cheng! But his soulmate is his boyfriend and you! What the hell is going on??
*holding his head in frustration*

Nie Mingjue: A-huan, calm down! *handing him some medicines for his headache with water*

Nie Mingjue: And by the way, the boyfriend's name is Jin Guangyao.

Lan Xichen: Whatever! When this Jin guy came in this soulmate equation?

Nie Mingjue: *giggles* He was always in this "soulmate equation". We just found it now.

Lan Xichen: (҂⌣̀_⌣́) Who knows how those two are like! Like I didn't even know how they look like! How can I-

Nie Mingjue: I have Cheng-di's photo! *pulling his phone to show the picture*

Lan Xichen: 🤨 How did you got the picture of him? And when did he becomes Cheng-di? Isn't it too much for only five minutes talk?

Nie Mingjue: *sweating* Well......I chatted with him yesterday-

Lan Xichen took the mobile from his hands, the other didn't even struggle, as he himself want the other to see how cute their Jiang Cheng is. But also a bit embarrassed by the reaction his boyfriend was giving him while reading all the chats.

Lan Xichen: He do seems good, but were you on drugs? Like who uses these types of lame memes? And what's with all these flirting?

Nie Mingjue: *highly embarrassed of himself* Hehe!

Lan Xichen: Next time talk to him when you're not in sleep! No more chatting after midnight!

Nie Mingjue: Yeah, I will make that a note in my mind.

Lan Xichen: Better!

Nie Mingjue: So, are you coming?

Lan Xichen: Coming where?

Nie Mingjue: Didn't you read it? Cheng-di, invited both of us for dinner on his boyfriend's birthday.

Lan Xichen: Yeah, I read that. Is that compulsory?

Nie Mingjue: Ofcourse! Come on!

He said pouting, the other can't help, but to agree with him.

Lan Xichen: Okay. *sighed*

Nie Mingjue showed a big smile, as he pulled the other in a hug and kissed him.

Nie Mingjue showed a big smile, as he pulled the other in a hug and kissed him

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Jiang Cheng was nervous the whole day. He was regretting to make this big decision at 2 am. Like he know it would be better if Guangyao meet his other soulmates. But how will he tell the other, that he invited the couple for dinner.
How can he burst the his little bubble of excitement. He knows how possessive the other is. He didn't even liked the idea of sharing his love with other, rather two more people.

Jin Guangyao liked all the preparation done by his boyfriend to make him feel special. Like from the beautiful flower bouquet in morning. To the giving bunch of cute stuff toys. And to making his favorite food for lunch. He was enjoying the whole day, and was really excited for the night.
But he knew something was bothering his boyfriend, he was their with him but his mind was somewhere else. He can't take all this, so he asked him.

Jin Guangyao: A-cheng, What's wrong? *concerned*

Jin Guangyao: A-cheng, What's wrong? *concerned*

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