Chapter 12

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After an romantic candle light dinner, the young couple was walking on the cold streets of Gusu. Holding each others hands feeling warmth even in hearts. But Jin Guangyao got a mischievous idea, as he lightly bumped into the shoulder of his boyfriend. When he didn't get any reaction, he did that again and again. Till he felt a bump on his shoulder, as he was nearly going to fall. But held by pair of strong arms. Jiang Cheng laughed.

Jin Guangyao: Why did you pushed me this hard? *pouting*

Jiang Cheng: Did you study science?

Jin Guangyao: N-No. *embarrassed*

Jiang Cheng: Then you will understand better. So, every action have its equal and opposite reaction. You were bumping into me so many times, that's why it accommodated all in one bump.

Jin Guangyao: ??

Jiang Cheng: I'm saying, that why pushing yourself on my shoulder. When my chest is right here. *pulling him in a hug*

Both of them giggles in each others embrace. As they again started walking, enjoying the beauty of the place even in night.
Jin Guangyao's head was resting on his shoulder, while his hands were wrapped around the other's arm. Jiang Cheng kissed his forehead. How much he loves and cherish the boy walking beside him.

Jin Guangyao: I really like this place, its too better than those busy and loud cities.

Jiang Cheng: I like this place too.

Suddenly they heard some noises, like someone is running while screaming. They turned back and saw a girl and a boy was running while screaming like crazy. Clearly looks drunk, as both of them went past them, behaving like they ran from a mental hospital.

Jin Guangyao: I guess Gusu isn't that quiet place too. *jokingly*

Jiang Cheng laughs at his remark. The two people climbed the railing of the road. The other side of railing isn't a safe place, as it was a deep ditch. (A ditch is a long narrow channel cut into the ground at the side of a road or field.) But the drunk people weren't looking they are effected by the risk any little. They were fighting and accusing each other on god knows what reason, standing at the edge of the railing.
The couple got worried, like do these people are trying to suicide?

Jin Guangyao: Omg, what the hell are they doing? We should stop them.

Jiang Cheng: Tomorrow's news in Gusu's local newspaper will be two drunk people fell of from the cliff. *let out a laugh*

Jin Guangyao: Are you serious? Is this time for jocking?

Jiang Cheng: No, but they aren't looking that drunk and plus I think their friend is coming to collect them.

He said point at another boy of the same age as the other two people, running towards his friends. When the boy noticed the couple was giving them a judging look, he bowed in embarrassment. As an apology for his friends' stupid act.

They saw the boy was struggling to get his friends off from the railing. But they were arguing back with him. The couple laughs at the taller guy's struggle, as they started to walk again back to their hotel.

Suddenly the drunk girl, free herself from the guy's grip, as she screamed in annoyance at him.

Wen Qing: NIE MINGJUE!!!

The couple stopped walking, when they heard the name being called. Both of their eyes were wide, like it will come out any moment. They turned back to look at the three again.

Jin Guangyao: Oh My God.

Author:-So now all the four of them finally met! What do you think going to happen?

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So now all the four of them finally met!
What do you think going to happen?

Heee Heee!

Author:-Hope you like it

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Have a nice day.

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