Chapter 21

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Jiang Cheng saw how happy the other looks, at the thought of meeting his family. As they landed Lanling. His brown long silky locks were covering his half face, while he was jumping in excitement.
He ran his hands in his recently died locks, ruffling them. As Jin Guangyao irritatedly pushed his hand away.

Jin Guangyao: Whyyyyyy? Don't ruin my hairs!
You know its so hard to keep long hairs! (pouting)

He saw his boyfriend getting irritated by his long hairs, that keep getting tangled or getting stuck in his lockets. But for Jiang Cheng, his boyfriend was looking more ethereal beautiful and more feminine. Its not like he didn't like him before, its falling in love with him again.

They played a game, in which he told him to do long hairs and dye them brown. While in return, he have to color his hair in purple.

Jin Guangyao
Something like this but brown hairs:

Jin GuangyaoSomething like this but brown hairs:

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Or this:

Jiang Cheng:

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Jiang Cheng:

Jiang Cheng: But you look so beautiful. Unlike me, with this funky hair color. *sighed*

Jin Guangyao: *gasped* Are doubting on my choice? (teasingly)

Jiang Cheng: No! I don't dare to.

Jin Guangyao: Then trust me, you really look so handsome.

He said cupping his face, as the other smiled.

Jin Guangyao: Did you informed anyone about our arrival?

Jiang Cheng: Yes, I called your father, he said he is going to pick us up. Maybe he got late, probably. *checking his watch*

Jin Guangyao: *slammed his hand on his head* Didn't I told you to call Xuan-gege?

Jiang Cheng: Why should I call that peacock? *rolling his eyes*

Jin Guangyao: *laughed* Let's go....No one is going to pick us up.

He said dragging his boyfriend to the cab, as they drove to the Jin Mansion.

Some moments later, their cab stopped in front of big mansion. As they came out of it, Jin Guangyao hold his boyfriend's hand, as they walked inside.
They both are from very rich family, their family was very close, cause their mothers were best friends. So they grew up from besties to lovers.
Mrs Jin and Mrs Jiang wants their first kids to marry each other, so they always sends Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan to small play dates, when they were young. But turned out they both weren't interested in each other but a weird rivalry relationship build between them.
Mrs Jiang and Mrs Jin were glad that at least their other kids were happy with each other.

The moment they came inside, they welcomed by a loud voice scolding at some maids. Jiang Cheng frowned, he didn't expect this. But Jin Guangyao smiled, as he called his mother.

Jin Guangyao: Mom! I'm home!

The women who was scolding two maids, suddenly looks towards the entrance. She smiles widely, dismissing the maids. As she saw a boy in brown locks, throwing his bag, while running towards her. She hugged her son tightly, honestly when was the last time she saw him?

Jin Guangyao: I missed you.

Mrs Jin: I missed you too, love. Look at you, you become so fat.
*breaking the hug*

Jin Guangyao: What? Every mother calls their son thin and you called me fat? *showing fake anger*

Mrs Jin: I know everyone says that, but I want to try new. Or you will say I am very boring.

Jin Guangyao: *laughing* No, you're coolest!

Jiang Cheng: He is right, and by the way you look so beautiful, auntie.

Mrs Jin: Omg, thank you dear. Come on, you guys must be so tired.

She said, as she welcomed both the boys.

Mrs Jin

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Mrs Jin

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