Chapter 7

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A boy was peacefully sleeping with a warm blanket wrapped around him. Suddenly the door of his room opened, revealing a shorter male entering in his room, with a cupcake and lighted candle in his hands.

The boy gently placed the cupcake on the side table of the bed, As he slowly crawled on the bed. The boy was hovering on the sleeping boy, as he wake him up. While lovingly kissing his forehead.

"Wake up, Sleeping beauty! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!!"

The boy woke up, recognizing the beautiful voice of his childhood crush and now boyfriend.


Jin Guangyao: Good, now you woke up, blow the candles A-cheng!

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Jin Guangyao: Good, now you woke up, blow the candles A-cheng!

Jin Guangyao: Good, now you woke up, blow the candles A-cheng!

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Jiang Cheng: Okay~

The boy blowed the candles, as he makes his boyfriend to eat first. And then getting feed by him.

Jiang Cheng: I want my birthday present. (pouting)

Jin Guangyao: Whatever you want, I'll get that for you. What you want?

Jiang Cheng: You!!

As he kissed him, the other kissed him back. But suddenly Guangyao separated himself, as he was looking at him with excitement.

Jin Guangyao: A-cheng! I'm so happy, now you're finally 18. And your soulmate tattoo will appear in no time. I waited for it since the first time I know about soulmate thing.

Jiang Cheng: I was also waiting for this, when your name engraved in my body. Claiming me as yours.

Jin Guangyao: Tell me, if you feel anything weird or something.

Jiang Cheng: Yes Yes! I'm feeling something-

Jin Guangyao: WHAT? WHERE?? (excitedly)

Jiang Cheng: In my stomach, I feel butterflies.

He said, as he laughed. While the other sighed at his prank.

Jin Guangyao: How can you play with my feelings like this, a-cheng! I'm going.

He was getting up from the bed, but pulled by the other, as Jiang Cheng hugged him.

Jiang Cheng: Okay okay! Something is really happening on my arm. Its painfully burning!

He sighed in pain, Jin Guangyao kissed him to distract from pain. As both of them saw some golden lines were starting to form on his hand. Soon a name formed in beautiful golden calligraphy.

Jin Guangyao

Both of them smiled widely, hugging each other. Guangyao was more than happy to see his name on lover's hand. He couldn't ask for anything more.

But suddenly the atmosphere changed, when Jiang Cheng hissed in pain again. This time rubbing his thigh. He was confused why he is again feeling the same pain, when he was getting Jin Guangyao's tattoo.

Jiang Cheng: What's happening? (confusedly frowning)

While Jin Guangyao was staring blankly, as they saw a name appeared in emerald green color calligraphy.

Nie Mingjue

Jiang Cheng was confused, but when he saw a hurt expression on his boyfriend's face, his heart breaks too. He saw a tear rolled down his precious face.

Jiang Cheng: A-yao!

Jin Guangyao: Let's see this tomorrow. I'm tired.

As he left without hearing any word from the other.

Author:-HeyI'm back again! Don't ask me how and why? I can't study when a test is coming

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I'm back again! Don't ask me how and why? I can't study when a test is coming. Specially when I didn't even have the book of the subject. I'm seriously going to fail this time.

All these things happening and I'm still unbothered by everything.

All these things happening and I'm still unbothered by everything

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Any way.....

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