Chapter 18

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Nie Mingjue: Hi!! My name is Nie Mingjue! And this is Lan Xichen!*enthusiastically*

He greeted, sticking a hand out in front of the boy sitting beside Jiang Cheng. Jin Guangyao hesitantly take his hand in his own and shake. Mingjue can feel his boyfriend rolled his eyes, but he didn't give any mind to it.

Jin Guangyao: My name is Jin Guangyao....

Lan Xichen: Ofcourse, we know!

He said a bit too harshly, while Jin Guangyao gave him a light glare, as he decided to ignore him.

Jiang Cheng: Order what you want, its on me! *decided to break the awkward silence*

Nie Mingjue: Nope! I'm the oldest, I'll pay. And I don't wanna hear anything.

Jiang Cheng: Hehe. Okay~

He started to scan the menu, while the other three followed his actions not too long after.
After reciting their order to the waiter, as they waited for the food.
Suddenly Xichen remember about the gifts, as he lightly elbowed his boyfriend to give the gifts.

Nie Mingjue: Happy Birthday Jin Guangyao!!

Guangyao gave a surprised smile, he completely forgot that his boyfriend already told them. He saw the older pull out two boxes, as he placed them in front of him and his boyfriend on the table.

For Jiang Cheng

For Jin Guangyao

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For Jin Guangyao

Nie Mingjue: These are the gifts we bought for both of you

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Nie Mingjue: These are the gifts we bought for both of you. We didn't know what to bought, I hope you like it. *awkwardly*

Jin Guangyao: It wasn't necessary. Really! *smiling*

Jiang Cheng: Wow, Mingjue-ge. First you're paying for the food and now this gifts. You are spoiling us! *jokingly*

Nie Mingjue: I'm more than willing to. *smiling* It was all A-huan's idea.

Jiang Cheng: Thank you, Xichen-ge!

Lan Xichen wasn't comfortable with him calling "ge", and also after knowing he have to share his Mingjue with him too. As he was going to speak something, he felt his boyfriend's hand on his thigh. He controlled himself, as he just nod in response.

It was very awkward, while the four was waiting for the food. Mainly Nie Mingjue and Jiang Cheng was making small conversations, as both of them felt comfortable with each other. Meanwhile, Jin Guangyao was attentievly listening to their conversation while Lan Xichen was busy staring at him. Guangyao pretends to ignore him, but he can feel Xichen's gaze burning through his skull.

Nie Mingjue: So you guys are from Lanling or Yuenping?

Jiang Cheng: Right now we live in Yuenping, but soon we will shift their, to start University this year.

Nie Mingjue: That's cool.......
Because of some personal stuff, we are also going start University studies this year.

He said with a nod, as he lightly hit his boyfriend's leg.
As Xichen initiate to speak again.

Lan Xichen: We're going to Koi Tower University, Lanling.

Jiang Cheng's eyes widen while he makes a surprised sound, but Guangyao's mind is still registering what the older had said.

Jiang Cheng: Same! *happily smiles* We'll see where that goes.

Jiang Cheng: Same! *happily smiles* We'll see where that goes

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Double update! Because why not.
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