Chapter 11

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~At the hotel~

Jiang Cheng was lying on the bed, and Jin Guangyao was applying cream on his face, idol's life isn't easy.

Jin Guangyao: This hotel is really nice. Did you saw the view from the window? Its so beautiful.

Jiang Cheng: I knew you would love this place.
By the way, I'm going to meet Wei Wuxian. Are you coming?

Jin Guangyao: I already met him, and I think it was enough for the whole life time.

Jiang Cheng: Oh, come on! He changed! He didn't did anything.

Jin Guangyao: I know, and I'm glad. You can go, I'm tired anyway.

Jiang Cheng: Okaaaay~

He got from the bed, as he was going out of the room.

Jin Guangyao: Can you just pass my bag?

Jiang Cheng: Sure.

He gave him the bag, as Jin Guangyao opened the zip of the bag.
Suddenly smoke covered the whole room, Jiang Cheng opened the windows to let the smoke go outside.
He saw his boyfriend; his face was all black, eyes red and coughing.

Jin Guangyao: HE CHANGED??

Jiang Cheng: I-

He ran away from the room. He is going to have a serious talk with his brother.

Jiang Cheng was showing Jin Guangyao, the beauty of Gusu. He was behaving like a tourist guide, when he also first time came there.
But that doesn't matter, they both love the time they were spending with each other and that's enough.

They were walking around the streets, holding hands. Jiang Cheng look at his boyfriend's face and unconsciously smiled at him. Jin Guangyao's face was white like snow and cheeks and nose were red, a snow drop was resting on his little nose. Making him more adorable than he already was.
He can't control himself as he brushed on his nose, and kissed his cheeks.

Jin Guangyao: W-What was that for?

He said while blushing, making his cheeks more brighter shade of red. He giggles at his cute stutter. Even after knowing each other for eternity now, both them still can't resist this little things without blushing.

Jiang Cheng: Cause you are looking heavenly beautiful!

Jin Guangyao blushed, hearing him saying that. But he have to look strong infront of him, so he faked an annoyed expression.

Jin Guangyao: Well thank you to your brother, for leaving my face unharmed. *rolling his eyes*

He hugged him.
Tho Jiang Cheng was angry with his brother for doing this to his boyfriend. But he have to agree how funny the situation was looking. As both of the brothers were laughing at the poor boy.

 As both of the brothers were laughing at the poor boy

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What's up?
I'm back, with another late update.
But there is a good news today.


I'm really happy, finally I did something good instead of being unproductive all the time.

By the way how are you guys doing??

By the way how are you guys doing??

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