Chapter 14

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In the hotel room, Jiang Cheng saw his boyfriend was blabbing about for 30 minutes straight.

Jin Guangyao: Did you saw how he didn't give any attention to you! He was only caring about his "boyfriend".

Jiang Cheng: You know, we can't judge anyone without even listening to them.

Jin Guangyao: Yeah, Yeah. But why that other one was so loud? Like-

Jiang Cheng: Leave it! Are you ready for tomorrow? I'm gonna make you never forget that day. Your this birthday will be really special.

Jin Guangyao: *blushing* I know.

He said, finally calm down. As both of them decided to sleep. Jiang Cheng saw his boyfriend fell asleep the moment he put his head on the pillow. He smiled while looking at his beautiful face. Suddenly he remembered about Nie Mingjue. He gently moved away from the boy and searched for the card in his wallet. There he found it, as he saved the number. "Should I text him? No! That would too much to text someone this late! Should I?"
He thought about it for a brief minute, then at last text him. Thinking the other would reply in the morning when he will say it.

Jiang Cheng:
Jiang Cheng this side.

He smiled while looking at the text. As he was going to put back his phone. Suddenly he saw his phone glow again, as he saw the other replied. His eyes widen in panic, but soon calm down. "Its just a message. Don't behave like teenage girl, a-cheng!"

Nie Mingjue:
Can't sleep?

Jiang Cheng:
Uhm.. Yeah.
Did I disturbed you?

Nie Mingjue:
No! Not really!
Hehe, how bout we talk about each other to kill time?

Jiang Cheng:
Sure, why not.
Btw, I'm 18, I got the tattoo some weeks ago.

Nie Mingjue:
Oooh, Cheng-di.
I'm 20, but I also gained your tattoo some days ago.

Jiang Cheng:
Hehe, Mingjue-ge.
Do live here? Like here in Gusu?

Nie Mingjue:
It felt really good when you called me ge.
And No, I don't live in Gusu, but I'm from Qinghe. I came here for vacation actually.

He blushed, after reading the message.

Jiang Cheng:
I also came here for a visit. I lived in Yuenmeng.

Nie Mingjue:
Umh...Do you mind, if I say I wanna see you?

Jiang Cheng:
Do you think I'm an old geezer and lied about my age? You literally saw me!

Nie Mingjue:
Wait no! That wasn't what I mean!
It was really dark-

Jiang Cheng:
I was kidding, Mingjue-ge! And Ofcourse I don't mind sending you a selfie. Only if I'm getting one from you?

Nie Mingjue:
Why not.


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