Chapter 3

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Finally they reached Gusu, after a long stressful journey. You must be asking, why it was stressful?? Well......the answer is,
Wen Ning lost his luggage at airport, Nie Huasang forgot his passport at home, Wen Qing lost her patience and Nie Mingjue almost lost his last brain cells.

the answer is,Wen Ning lost his luggage at airport, Nie Huasang forgot his passport at home, Wen Qing lost her patience and Nie Mingjue almost lost his last brain cells

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But in the end, all four of them landed in one piece. They checked in a hotel and crashed on their beds in their separate rooms.

~Next day~

They decided to tour around Gusu's markets and tourist places. Gusu is much more beautiful, what you heard. Snow covered mountains, beautiful pine trees and its famous for its traditional design buildings. And don't forget about gusu's famous emperor's smile.

The four was enjoying their holiday at this beautiful place. They saw a shop of traditional hanfus, so they decided to try some.

Wen Qing's hanfu

Wen Qing: How am I looking?

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Wen Qing: How am I looking?

She asked swaying her dress, as she turned around to give a clear view. The teenagers were looking at their shijie with aww.

Nie Huasang: Shijie! You're looking like a goddess!!

Wen Ning: Indeed!!

Wen Ning: Shijie! You look like princess of Gusu!

Wen Qing: Really? Thank you.

The both of them were complimenting her, that how beautiful she is looking. As she was smiling widely.

Nie Mingjue was a bit nervous about his appearance, but he shrugged the thought and come out of the changing room.

Nie Mingjue's hanfu

Nie Mingjue: And how's this?

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Nie Mingjue: And how's this?

The three of them was staring at him with wide eyes. They never saw him, wearing something like this. He is looking really different, in a good way. But the two boys decided to tease the elder.

Nie Huasang: Da-ge! You look like a powerful king, who want to forcefully rule on Gusu.

Wen Ning: A powerful and bad king.

They said while laughing, as Nie Mingjue gave them a eye roll.

Nie Mingjue: I knew, this was going to come.

He was walking back to changing room, but suddenly got hugged by two pairs of arms.

Wen Ning: Da-ge. We were just kidding.

Nie Huasang: You know we love to tease you. Because we love you.

Nie Mingjue turned and hug them too, while smiling at them.

Nie Mingjue: I love you too.

He said while kissing their foreheads. Wen Qing saw this with a smile. She decided to join them too.

Wen Qing: Nie Mingjue!! How dare you took my brother??

She said with a fake angry expression. But Mingjue know her and decided to play along.

Nie Mingjue: How about I took you too. Maybe future wife!

He said, as he took her hand and pull her in hug. As both of them laughed. While the other two was confused.

Wen Ning: Wait! Are you two getting married?? *confused*

Nie Mingjue &Wen Qing: Maybe!!

The two of them were still confused, as the elders just laughed at their faces.


Their was a beautiful firework show that was held in gusu. Ofcourse, the four can't skip that. It becomes really late after the show got over, so they decided to get an ice cream at the near restaurant.

(Who doesn't like ice cream in winters)

They were talking and enjoying the ice cream. It was almost midnight, so a less amount of crowd was there.

Nie Huasang: The show was amazing!!

Wen Ning: It was really really good!!
Thanks da-ge.

Nie Huasang: Da-ge, your best!

Nie Mingjue: No no! You're!

Nie Huasang: Thanks, da-ge.*shyly*

Nie Mingjue: *hesitant* I-

Wen Qing: He was correcting you! Stupid.

Nie Huasang: Oh

Wen Ning: *controlling his laugh*

They were chit-chatting, until they got disturbed by the loud noise, coming from a table behind them.
At first they ignored them, but then they started to get more loud.
And it was getting hard to talk between these noises.

Wen Ning: Don't you think they are too loud.

Wen Qing: There are barely three people and making it a fish market. *frowning*

Nie Huasang: Shijie! Go tell them to stop.

Wen Qing: Am I your servant or what? *offended*

Nie Huasang: I was requesting-

Nie Mingjue: No need! We are going anyways. There is no need to make a fuss about it. We don't even know how people will react here.

Nie Mingjue: So better eat quickly and get back to hotel.

The three of them hummed at his words. As they started to eat. But Wen Ning was still bothered by the noises, so he look towards the other table. To see what the hell is going on.

But when he saw them, his eyes got wide...........

But when he saw them, his eyes got wide

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