Chapter 5

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Nie Mingjue: Happy birthday Lan Xichen- Wait WHAT??*shocked/amused*

Wen Qing: Lan Xichen??*shocked*

Lan Xichen: Why? What happened?*nervously*

Nie Mingjue and Wen Qing glance each other, as Mingjue started to speak.

Nie Mingjue: Actually, Xichen. My name is Nie Mingjue and a few weeks ago, I got my soulmate tattoo. And it showed a name; Lan Xichen!

Nie Mingjue said, as he undo his upper three buttons of his shirt. As he showed the name engraved in royal blue color on his chest.

Lan Xichen won't lie about the fact that he found the man really hot. The moment he saw him coming towards his table, he can't help but notice his sharp features and muscular body. When he started to talk to him, his voice was so deep, that made him more attractive. He was secretly wishing to get a soulmate like him. And his wish comes true, when the man told him about his tattoo. Lan Xichen was stunned, don't know to stay shocked or jump in happiness.
He looked at the name engraved on his tan chest, it was his name. He smiled, still not being able to move his eyes from his chest. He was fighting the urge to touch it.

But he came back to his senses, when the girl sitting beside his soulmate, started to speak.

Wen Qing: A-jue! Its cold here, cover yourself.

She said, as herself helped him to close the buttons of his shirt. And not to forget, she smirked while looking at Xichen's direction.

Lan Xichen was glaring at her. "Wtf! Why did she called MY SOULMATE a-jue? Who the hell she think she is? Why did she touched him, and he let her do that?" He now noticed the closeness between his soulmate and this girl. That made him frowned internally, he want to argue with that girl, but he saw his his soulmate was still looking at him, waiting for an answer.

Lan Xichen: Uh? I don't know what to say, but you got my name as your soulmate tattoo. That means we are meant to be together.

He said, finally taking a bold step. As he intervened his fingers with him, looking straight into his eyes. A red tint was visible on Nie Mingjue's cheeks. Xichen smiled, as he continued.

Lan Xichen: And I think we should spend time with each other and get to know each other better. After that we could accept this relationship.

Lie! He already accepted the other as his husband, just don't want to look desperate. He saw the other agreed to him, while blushing. He awwed internally at him. But then he noticed, that girl rolled her eyes on him. He got annoyed.

Lan Xichen: What's your beautiful name miss?

He said in a sarcastic tone, as she return the same sarcastic smile.

Wen Qing: I'm Wen Qing, a-jue's best friend! We are friends since childhood, nobody could understand him better than me.

She said, while showing a victory smile. He cursed her under his breath.

Lan Xichen: Wow! Nice to meet you.

Both of them knew that they don't like each other, more like hate each other. Except Nie Mingjue, he was thinking that are getting along.

They were chatting with each other, suddenly Nie Mingjue got urge to attend nature call, as he excuses himself, leaving the two alone.
Both of sitting in silence, as Xichen started to speak something to kill time.

Lan Xichen: So are you-

Wen Qing: Straight! And Nie Mingjue is bi.

Lie! She is hundred percent lesbian, but said this to piss the boy.
As she was getting on his nerves, he inhales a breath to clam himself. As he formed a smile.

Lan Xichen: Cool.

Wen Qing: You know in childhood, me and Mingjue used to thought that, we'll be soulmates. As we grew up, we got different soulmate tattoos, we were upset. But we promised each other, that if we didn't found our soulmates. We would get married!

Lan Xichen was completely shocked, the way she said those words, was clearly stating that they were so close to get married but Xichen came between them. He was hurt to know about that but now hating her more. Like she didn't need to say all these things, but she did. She smiled as she saw his sad face.
Mingjue came back, both of them laughed like they just joked about something. He giggles too after looking at the man he is going to spend his whole life. He can't ask for anyone better than him.

Nie Mingjue held his hand, as he squeezed it a little. Lan Xichen felt better but not completely. Suddenly he felt a burning sensation right on collarbone. He hissed in pain. But at the same time he was excited, because his soulmate tattoo is coming. His Mingjue's name is going to engraved on his body.

Lan Xichen: Its coming! ......My soulmate tattoo is coming!

He said pointing at his collarbone, Nie Mingjue excitedly lean forward to get a better view. So was Wen Qing, but he didn't give her any mind. As he pulled out his phone to see his tattoo coming.

Nie Mingjue, saw purple lines started to cover his skin. He frowned, like purple is not his favorite color. But from now on it is.
They saw the purple lines started to form a name.

Jiang Cheng

Both of them were so confused, like it should be Nie Mingjue! Who the hell is Jiang Cheng?
Lan Xichen was devastated, but suddenly he heard an amused laugh. He looked at her dead in the eyes, before taking his bag and stormed out of the restaurant. Completely ignoring, Nie Mingjue's calls.

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