Chapter 10

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Jin Guangyao was cuddling with Jiang Cheng on the couch. Both of them were watching a movie. Suddenly Jiang Cheng remembered something.

Jiang Cheng: A-yao! Your birthday is coming!

Jin Guangyao: Yeah! So?

Jiang Cheng: Then why don't we go to somewhere to celebrate it.

Jin Guangyao: Since when you started to like traveling?

Jiang Cheng: Come on! For you I could do anything!

Jin Guangyao: *smiled* Okay so, let's go yuenmeng. I didn't meet your parents for a long time.

Jiang Cheng: They're on vacation trip!

He said almost quickly, like he already knew what's the other was going to say.

Jin Guangyao: Lanling?

Jiang Cheng: We're going there anyway for college!

Jin Guangyao: Then why don't you suggest? *slightly annoyed*

Jiang Cheng: Its your birthday, so you should choose. But if you're insisting so much, then let's go Gusu!

He laughed at him, as he himself liked the idea. It will be a nice idea to go their. But why Jiang Cheng is so excited for that place? Cold place isn't his favorite, he likes warmness more.

Jin Guangyao: Why Gusu?

Jiang Cheng: Its a nice place! What do you mean, Why? Its so beautiful-

Jin Guangyao: A-cheng! *suspiciously*

The other have to tell the truth now.

Jiang Cheng: Wei Wuxian is there. He found his soulmate, so he asked me to give a visit.

Jin Guangyao: I KNEW IT!

He said frustratedly, while getting up from his seat. The other hold him from his waist, as he stopped him to go anywhere.

Jiang Cheng: He is my brother, I missed him so much. Please let's go there together. Why do you hate him?

Jin Guangyao: I don't hate him! You know I just don't wanna go near him. How could you forget, that how he made my middle school life a mess. Like why only I was the target of his pranks?

Jiang Cheng: They we're just harmless pranks. And now we grew up, I'm sure he changed.

Jin Guangyao: Harmless? Ofcourse, because you weren't the part of it. And plus he is a hazard to this world. He could never change!

Jiang Cheng: Please! *showing ultra pro max cute puppy eyes*

Jin Guangyao knew he can't resist this, so he have to agree. As the other hugged him while jumping, he smiled too.

 As the other hugged him while jumping, he smiled too

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They landed Gusu, when they went outside to look for a cab.
They saw WangXian. As Jiang Cheng run to hug his brother. Wei Wuxian return the hug with same excitement.

 Wei Wuxian return the hug with same excitement

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Wei Wuxian: A-cheng! I'm so happy to meet you. Oh, Jin Guangyao! You've came too. I missed you too.

He said, coming closer to hug him too. But Jin Guangyao quickly bowed to him, to avoid the hug. Wei Wuxian hesitantly bowed back.
As he went back to where he was standing.

Wei Wuxian: A-cheng! Meet Lan Zhan! Lan Wangji, my soulmate.

Jiang Cheng: Nice to meet you, Mr. Lan Wangji. *shaking hands*

Lan Wangji: Do you know why people shake hands on first meeting?

Jiang Cheng: Why? *hesitantly*

Jin Guangyao: Because that's normal meeting ethics?

Lan Wangji: Because we can't shake legs! *lifting his leg*

Lan Wangji: Because we can't shake legs! *lifting his leg*

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Wei Wuxian: Ha Ha Ha! Lan Zhan you're so funny!

Jin Guangyao: ...

Jiang Cheng: hehe! Maybe. *awkwardly*

Wei Wuxian: Let's go to our house. I prepared everything for my brother and my dear friend Jin Guangyao.

He said smiling, but that smile creeped out Jin Guangyao. He started to drag Jiang Cheng to other side, while saying.

Jin Guangyao: Its okay, we don't wanna trouble you guys. I know a best hotel here, we will manage. Thank you so much.

He said bowing, as he was going he dropped his bag. Wei Wuxian pick it, while handing him. A mischievous smile was plastered on his face.
Jin Guangyao took it, as he went to the taxi.

Jin Guangyao took it, as he went to the taxi

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