Chapter 29

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Lan Xichen: You know...........Mingjue likes you.

Now that caught Guangyao's attention, as he abruptly asked back.

Jin Guangyao: Wh-What??

He said in full shock while looking at the elder. Xichen rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Lan Xichen: He likes you! Are you satisfied now? *frowning*

Jin Guangyao: Its not like I made him like me.

He sasses back at him, gaining a bit of an edge to it.

Jin Guangyao: Its was his own decision.

Xichen growls lowly while glaring at him.

Lan Xichen: What did you even do? It just being a day since you two are roommates, did you seduced him?

He said, eyes glowing with anger. But Guangyao can see a hint of jealousy in them.

Jin Guangyao: Shut Up, Xichen!

At this point, he didn't even care if he is speaking disrespectfully the elder.

Jin Guangyao: Its not my fault!

Lan Xichen: YES IT IS!

He said in loud voice, thankfully not enough to draw everyone's attention. But was enough to make the younger flinch.

Lan Xichen: Its all your fault and Jiang Cheng's!

Jin Guangyao: Don't bring him between this, he didn't did anything!

If Guangyao was being honest, Xichen looked like he could cry at any moment.

But that didn't make him felt any good. He just felt worried for some unknown reason.

Lan Xichen: Yes he did! He was my first tattoo! His name came on by body, when it should be Mingjue only! He ruined everything, its his fault!

Jin Guangyao opened his mouth to protest, but elder beat him in it.

Lan Xichen: I wish you two were never involved!

Now these words hurt hurt Guangyao, and he didn't even know why?

Jin Guangyao understand that Xichen doesn't like him and Jiang Cheng and thats fine he understands why. Xichen doesn't like Guangyao and Jiang Cheng because they came between his picture perfect relationship with Mingjue. And Guangyao feels the same about the two. They came between his picture perfect relationship with Jiang Cheng too.

But Xichen.........Xichen is being too mean about it.

Maybe Guangyao is being a brat or a child. Xichen hurts his feelings and he didn't like it.

So he chooses to ignore the elder for the rest of the tryouts. As he focused on the book he bought for reading.

Xichen also didn't mind to keep his stone cold eyes on the field.

From where Mingjue and Wanyin are waiting for their turn. Both of them seems worried by the fact they can clearly feel the tension radiating from Guangyao and Xichen.

Whether its just a soulmate thing or something else, both Mingjue and Wanyin are worried.

Whether its just a soulmate thing or something else, both Mingjue and Wanyin are worried

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