Chapter 6

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Lan Xichen pull Nie Mingjue in a warm hug. As he pressed his face on his collarbone, smelling his cologne and accidentally getting addicted to it. The older was surprised but, smile at the younger.

Nie Mingjue: Xichen?

Lan Xichen: Mingjue! I'm really sorry for ignoring you for days-

Nie Mingjue: 6 days, 9 hours and *looking at his watch* 27 minutes!

Lan Xichen was surprised, as tears of happiness was covered his eyes. Mingjue wiped them gently, the younger speaks again.

Lan Xichen: I'm sorry. How its your fault, that I got someone else tattoo. The only thing that matters to me right now is You're my soulmate! I want to live with you.

Lan Xichen: I searched about it! It could be a poly relationship. Were there are more than two persons in a relationship.
I'm your soulmate, I will always be with you. If that person is really in my life, then he would find a way.

Nie Mingjue: You're right, we should leave that to fate.

The younger nods in happiness, both of them hugged each other. Lan Xichen was happy that he don't have to leave this amazing man. He saw Wen Qing peeking from behind the wall. When he saw her he smiled, as the girl returned the same with a little thumbs up. But not after a milli second. Both of their faces turned in to a frown.

You must be wondering, what happened??
Then let's go to flashback!

~One Eternity Back~

Lan Xichen locked himself in his room. Not picking any phone calls or not even talking to his brother. His uncle was getting worried for him, so he tried to contact Nie Mingjue, after talking with Wuxian and Wangji.

Mingjue wasn't at hotel at that time, but Wen Qing attended the call. As she offers the hand for helping his nephew.
She knew, its not going to easy for her to comfort the boy, specially when he is this heart broken and not even talking to Mingjue. And let's not forget, how their relations is with each other. They hate each other to guts, cause both of them are overly possessive over Mingjue.

Wen Qing was standing in front of Xichen's room, but the male wasn't responding to her. So she breaks inside the room, while the other was shocked while holding his chest, like just got heart attack.


Wen Qing: Now if you don't listen to me, next thing I will break will be your bones.

She said in a scary tone, the male just gulped, as he don't trust her not even a little. She started to talk to him, her words was a bit harsh and sometimes Xichen was hating the idea of talking.
But soon they develop a good communication. Xichen told her, his all insecurities, she tried to clear them. And told him, how Mingjue is accusing himself for all of this. How he really needs his soulmate in his life.
Finally Xichen agreed to confront Mingjue and apologize for his previous behavior.

Lan Xichen: Thank you, Wen Qing. I thought so much bad about you and even cursed you. But you're a nice person.

Wen Qing: I know! Thats why Mingjue loves me more! (winking at him)

Lan Xichen: You know what? GET LOST!
And pay for this door, you break!

Lan Xichen: You know what? GET LOST!And pay for this door, you break!

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Its me! I'm really sorry for this delaying. I wasn't getting any motivation to write. But thank you for reminding me, if I started it, than I should end it too.

I don't know when will be next chapter, but I'll try to write them sooner

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I don't know when will be next chapter, but I'll try to write them sooner.

And whoever didn't vote or comment.

And whoever didn't vote or comment

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Hope you like the chapter.
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Have a nice day.

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