Chapter 24

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Nie Mingjue was packing his clothes and other important stuff. He have a flight to LanLing at night, so he was making sure that he packed everything that needed. He is going to Koi Tower University for his studies, but not only him. His boyfriend, his best friend and all their brothers.

Some how, he becomes everyone's unofficial guardian, and have to make sure everyone is ready for the flight. He sighed, as he closed the zip of his suitcase.

Wen Qing: Done packing?

She said excitedly, he rolled his eyes at the girl.

Wen Qing: Why are you rolling your eyes on me?

Nie Mingjue: After doing all that, you still have the audacity to ask?

She giggles, while he just sighed. He clearly remembered, how she made him and his dates drunk.

Wen Qing: Its not like anyone other than you remember anything.

Nie Mingjue: Yeah, or it would be so much scary, if they remembered it.

Wen Qing: But that was really funny! I clearly remember Xichen, he screwed up everything.

Nie Mingjue: Shut up!

Wen Qing: Oh! Protective? By the way, what was his reaction on your third tattoo?

She said wiggling her eyebrows, like ready for another tea.
Yes, Mingjue got his third tattoo, 2 weeks ago. The name Jin Guangyao, appeared in gold color on his biceps of left hand. Lan Xichen was so much furious about it, because it appeared in front of him and Mingjue didn't told him about it. Like it burns before appearing, did his mouth hurt to say this?
And also because, just like Xichen didn't like Jin Guangyao, he didn't like the color gold too.
But he can't do anything, so he just frown whenever he sees the tattoo on the other's arm.

Nie Mingjue came back to his senses, when the girl asked him again.

Nie Mingjue: He was okay.

Wen Qing: Stop lying. If you don't want to tell, then don't. Because I can imagine him being a brat about it. *laughing*

She said laughing, while dogging the pillow thrown at her. She went out of the room, while sticking her tongue out on the male. Mingjue now know why Xichen hates her.

After some hours, they landed in Lanling by the flight. It was pretty fun for the juniors, as they were goofing and jocking around the whole time. On the other side Lan Xichen and Wen Qing weren't helping at all. They were arguing and messing with each other. Where Mingjue was fed up with everything. He never felt the urge to die before.

They booked a hotel, to rest for the night. Next morning they are going to their University hostel.

Today is my fast, I did it after so many years. And I feel like my soul is going to leave my body anytime.

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Have a nice day.

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