Chapter 26

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Jiang Cheng was chilling on his phone, while laying on the bed. He saw the door opened, he assumed that could be his roommate. But what he didn't expect that his roommate would be Lan Xichen. He saw the surprised face of the older, Jiang Cheng didn't want to be awkward. As he showed a welcoming smile, getting a little nod from the other.
He watches him going towards his bed, but stops in his track. Jiang Cheng was confused till he noticed his towel on the other bed. He quickly pick it while apologizing to him. His cheeks becomes red because of the embarrassment.

Lan Xichen was first very awkward with the idea of sharing room with Jiang Cheng. He saw him being embarrassed over the towel. The light red tint on his cheeks looks so cute. He secretly noticed him, his half purple died hairs were tied with a rubber band, as some bangs were coming in front of his eyes. He was looking so much different from the last time he saw him. His body also a changed a bit, did he worked out? He was looking so mature and serious while looking at his phone, till he dropped his phone accidentally.
Xichen turned towards the cupboard, hiding the smile crept on his face. His back was facing the younger.
"Maybe it can work out." He thought, smiling.

Jin Guangyao was talking to his twin sister, as he walked inside his room. He hangs up the call, he noticed their was some bags on the other side of the room, and the some sounds were coming from the bathroom. He assumed his new roommate could be in the bathroom, he decided to continue his thing. Which is watching funny vines on YouTube, he plugged his earphones on, as he started to lightly giggles while watching it. He didn't notice, the door of the bathroom opened revealing a tall muscular man with only a towel around his waist.

Nie Mingjue finished his shower, he felt so nice after. He needed it to calm himself down. He saw he forget to bring his clean clothes inside, because of being exhausted by the journey. He just wrapped the towel around his lower body, as he went out of the bathroom.
But he didn't expect to see his third soulmate sitting on the bed, while smiling looking at his phone.
Mingjue forgot what he is wearing or what he came outside for. He was just staring at the youngest. He never thought the boy could look so beautiful in that hairstyle, that color suits perfect on him. The way he was smiling and laughing at something on his phone, showing pearl white teeth. His beautiful pink lips often curved upward, his eyes almost disappearing, his small small nose scrunched in effort to retain himself from laughing more.
Mingjue didn't notice, when he also smiled at the sight. And also didn't noticed when he blurted something.

Nie Mingjue: Hey.

Jin Guangyao: Hi.

He said looked up from his phone and again diverted his attention back on the video, without thinking about it that much. But when realization hit both of them, their eyes were wide open. Nie Mingjue quickly ran back to the bathroom, and Jin Guangyao went out of the room. Both of them blushing really hard. The sight of shirtless Mingjue wasn't leaving Guangyao's mind, as he was cursing himself for thinking like this.

Jin Guangyao:-

Jin Guangyao:-

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Nie Mingjue:-

Mingjue peeked out of the bathroom, and saw no one

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Mingjue peeked out of the bathroom, and saw no one. So he quickly come out, get his clothes and went inside to wear them.
He was also cursing himself, for going in front of the boy, half naked.

Not me enjoying their drama

Author:-Not me enjoying their drama

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