Chapter 28

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Jin Guangyao was walking Jiang Cheng to the soccer court. As he tries to remove all the wrinkles from his boyfriend's t-shirt. He wants his a-cheng to look fine, earning a bright smile for him.

Jiang Cheng was always interested in soccer for some unknown reason. And when he heard the university soccer team is recruiting new members, he didn't want to leave that opportunity at any cost.

When they got their destination, their were many people for the tryouts. But Guangyao was confident that his boyfriend will make it. He kissed his cheeks, as he wished him good luck, leaving Jiang Cheng to warm up.

Jiang Cheng shrugs his nervousness, as his eyes started to look for an acquaintance. Then his eyes met with a pair of brown beautiful eyes.

Jiang Cheng: Mingjue-ge?

Nie Mingjue smiled at him, ignoring his awkwardness caused by his little developing crush on the other's boyfriend. He approached him.

Nie Mingjue: Wanna warm up together.

The younger just nodded his head, as he passed the ball to the elder. He liked that in the elder, like he is always the opened minded and understand others pretty well. Unlike Guangyao and Xichen, well he isn't calling them brat. But the thing is that they don't cooperate without being bribed.

Meanwhile, Guangyao feels sick from where he was sitting on the bleachers.
Lan Xichen was glaring holes in his soul, from few seats far.

Jin Guangyao: Xichen, can you stop staring at me.

He said without looking at him, while Xichen frowned.

Lan Xichen: Its Xichen-ge for you!

He said, keeping his eyes on the soccer ground.

Jin Guangyao: For being called Ge, you should behave like one.

Lan Xichen scoffs at the younger. He didn't like to be speechless in front of anyone.

On the other hand, Jin Guangyao was thinking that did he went out of line to insult his senior. He was going to speak something, but he felt the older sit beside him, still not baiting an eye on him.

Lan Xichen: The view wasn't clear from there.

Guangyao just hummed, he didn't know why. But the silence between them was really awkward. But its better than arguing with each other. Right?

Lan Xichen: I didn't know, Jiang Cheng is interested in soccer.

Jin Guangyao: I also didn't know Mingjue is interested-

Lan Xichen: Why should you know about that in first place?

Jin Guangyao didn't understand, why Xichen is like this. Like he could say the same thing about him too. He knows that Xichen didn't like him, or he should say he didn't like anyone other than Nie Mingjue. But the thing is....... he didn't have to be rude about it.

The moments of silence passed, both of them weren't uttering a word. Just looking at their significant other. The tryouts started, as Nie Mingjue and Jiang Cheng was waiting for their turn. By the time they were having a pretty smooth conversation. Guangyao didn't have any problem with Jiang Cheng being close to Mingjue, they were getting along really well. That's what Jiang Cheng always want, and Guangyao is happy, as long as Jiang Cheng is happy.

Lan Xichen: You know......Mingjue likes you.

Jin Guangyao: Ooh reOlly?

Jin Guangyao: Ooh reOlly?

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Just kidding......

I'm back, and before you come to me. I want to say I hate myself too.

 I want to say I hate myself too

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But still.......

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