Chapter 13

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Nie Mingjue was having enough of his boyfriend and best friend. Like he loves them, but do they really have to test his patience every time. He decides to show some strictness to them, while being judging by the two strangers. He grabbed both of them by their wrist, but his best friend free herself from him, as she screamed at him.


He got startled by her, like he expected it but wasn't prepared for this loud. He looked behind and saw the two strangers were looking at him, he again apologized to them.
As Wen Qing again started to scream.

Wen Qing: Nie Mingjue! Why do you always take your boyfriend's side?? Does your best friend matter nothing to you?? Did you forget who pulled you out from the lake when you were drowning?? I was the one who saved you!!

Nie Mingjue: Let's not forget who pushed me into it!! *annoyed*

Wen Qing: It was an accident!! Look you blamed me!! You always avoid me after you met him. Does a month old relationship could overcome the friendship from centuries??

Lan Xichen: Listen here you psycho girl!! Don't compare me with you. Mingjue loves me more than anything so you better shut your good for nothing mouth!!

Wen Qing: You idiot guy!! You are good for nothing!! Mingjue loves me more than you!! Right Nie Mingjue??

Nie Mingjue: Yeah Yeah! Now can both of you calm down for god sake!

He whispered yelled at them, as he saw the two strangers were coming to his way. He knows that they are coming to scold him for his friends behavior. He mentally prepared himself to apologize them. He saw the shorter male was glaring at him, while the other guy was wearing a hesitated smile, as he spoke.

Jiang Cheng: Umh...Nie Mingjue?

"Wow, now the whole Gusu knows my name!! Thank you so much Wen Qing!!" He cursed his life internally.

Nie Mingjue: *awkwardly* Yes I am. I'm really sorry on the behalf of my friends-

Jin Guangyao: Friend or boyfriend? *accusingly*

Mingjue was confused, like why this guy have any problem with his boyfriend? He knows that his boyfriend was loud but he already apologized for it, what now? He saw the first guy again spoke.

Jiang Cheng: Umh...It so awkward. But I got your name as my soulmate tattoo on my thigh. *nervously playing with his fingers*

Nie Mingjue: *hesitantly* Jiang Cheng?

Jiang Cheng: *shocked* Wait! You know me?

Nie Mingjue: Yeah! *smiling* I have your tattoo too on my lower waist.

He said showing the most enchanting smile at him. Jiang Cheng's heart suddenly started to beat faster. Just like the day he first time realized his feelings for Guangyao. He was going to say something but suddenly the two people behind Mingjue started to scream again.
Mingjue looked confused, like thinking if he should went back to his friends or stay with his new found soulmate and talk a bit more. But he chooses to went back to his friends before they commit any suicide.

Nie Mingjue: Um. Jiang Cheng this is my card, please message me. *handing over his personal card*

Jiang Cheng: *taking it* Y-yeah sure!

Mingjue went back to the two people, as he holds his boyfriend's hand while dragging the girl back to their house.
On the other side, Jin Guangyao was glaring at him. "If he knew that A-cheng is his soulmate then why do he have a boyfriend?? And he choosed his boyfriend over A-cheng. That's rediculous" he thought. He saw Jiang Cheng was smiling while looking that card in his hands, he sighed. Like he loves to see that smile on his beautiful face, but not when it appeared for someone else.

Jin Guangyao: Let's go back.

Jiang Cheng: Okay~ *happily*

Jiang Cheng: Okay~ *happily*

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