Chapter 27

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Jin Guangyao: I can't take it!

He said crying on his boyfriend's shoulder. Jiang Cheng sighed at his dramatic boyfriend, but still pat his head.

Jiang Cheng: Its okay. Its not that bad.

Jin Guangyao: Ofcourse, you would say that! Your roommate isn't Nie Mingjue. *frowning*

Jiang Cheng: Yeah, but Lan Xichen is.

Jin Guangyao freezed after hearing that. Jiang Cheng saw his boyfriend isn't walking with him, he turned around and saw him too shocked. Guangyao came out of this thoughts, as he catch up his pace.

Jin Guangyao: And you didn't told me?

Jiang Cheng: You didn't even gave me anytime to breathe, just blabbing "A-CHENG, MY ROOMMATE IS NIE MINGJUE!"

Jin Guangyao: Thats rediculous!

Jiang Cheng: Its not.........maybe its a sign.

Jin Guangyao thinks his boyfriend is so much, but didn't thought he's stupid.

Jin Guangyao: My apologies, I thought he already made clear, that we are not allowed to be near his Mingjue.

Jiang Cheng: Mingjue-ge, isn't his soulmate solely. We all are soulmates!

Jin Guangyao: *smiles bitterly* That's were you're wrong, Chengcheng. You're my only soulmate.

Jiang Cheng opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Soulmate tattoos, the thing that made his and the three's life so complicated. The thing that brings chaos in their life. He don't know what to say now, he just wants all of his soulmates in his life.

Jiang Cheng: Get along with Mingjue-ge.

Jin Guangyao: *sighed* You too, get along with Xichen.

As he walked towards the place, were they decided to eat, Jiang Cheng following him.

Lan Xichen: ARE YOU SERIOUS? That Guangyao is your damn ROOMMATE?

Nie Mingjue just nod, he was too surprised by his boyfriend's reaction on knowing about his roommate. Plus he don't want to tell Xichen that he went naked (half) in front of him, and also how much attractive he find him. If he didn't want his limbs unattached to his body.

Nie Mingjue: Maybe its fate.

Lan Xichen: Its bullshit.

Nie Mingjue didn't understand that Xichen is so open minded with Jiang Cheng but not with Guangyao. He sighed.

Nie Mingjue: He is my soulmate too, a-huan.

Lan Xichen: A-jue, sometimes its not meant to be.

Mingjue can't help it that he believes in these soulmate tattoos too much. He knows that they are the reason for why his life is so screwed up. But he felt a connection between them, their something between them that keep making them stumble on each other.

He didn't want Xichen to make changes with room arrangements. He didn't want Guangyao to leave him, and he isn't sorry for it.

Nie Mingjue: I think I like Guangyao.

Nie Mingjue: I think I like Guangyao

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