Chapter 2

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Wen Qing was trying hard to show that she is happy for him. But they are not best friends if they can't read each other like a open book. Nie Mingjue sensed her worried face behind that fake smile.

Nie Mingjue: A-qing, I know what are you thinking. And you wil-

Wen Qing: No! Mingjue. I'm not sad about me! But about you.

Wen Qing: I don't want you to suffer, just like I did.
I don't want you to raise your hopes, just to loose them.

Wen Qing: I don't want you to break! Just like I did.

Nie Mingjue: A-qing! Calm down.

He took the girl and made her sit on the bed. As he took the seat beside her.

Nie Mingjue: I know you are worried about me. But trust me, I will find my soulmate soon. And why just me, you too.

He said reassuring her by his words, as she looks him in his eyes.

Wen Qing got her soulmate tattoo 2 years ago. When she got that, she was excited too just like Mingjue. But after two years of finding her soulmate, she started to loose her hopes. She was scared if Mingjue have to face the same.

Mingjue decided to lighten up her mood, by talking about their childhood time.

Nie Mingjue: Remember? When we were kids, we used to believe that we will be soulmates and will live together.

He said smiling fondly, while she just snickered.

Wen Qing: And when we grow up, our paths get divided.

She laughed at her words, Nie Mingjue didn't know what to say. But he said something confusing the girl.

Nie Mingjue: Let's make a deal.

Wen Qing: What deal?

Nie Mingjue: If we both didn't found our soulmates till we turned 30. We will marry each other.

Mingjue said smiling, while she looked at him, expecting he would reveal that he is joking.

Wen Qing: Are you serious?

Nie Mingjue: Ofcourse, I am!

Nie Mingjue: Now promise me.

He said while lifting his pinky finger, while smiling widely. Wen Qing remembered their childhood, when they used to make pinky promises. She smiled as she connected her pinky finger with his. The both of them laughed at the nostalgia.

Wen Qing: Yah! You didn't told my why A-ning and A-sang are crying?

Nie Mingjue: They are??

Wen Qing: Yeah. They were saying that you're separating them.

Nie Mingjue: Why would I do that?

Wen Qing: I know you won't. But Huasang said you're taking him with you somewhere.

Nie Mingjue: Oh, that was the thing! You know those two are really stupid.

Nie Mingjue: Their is a piece of land of ours that I want to sell. That's why I'm going to Gusu.

Nie Mingjue: And I am taking both of them to Gusu. As they didn't had a proper vacation in a while.

Wen Qing: Oh! You're right. You are planning a beautiful trip for them, and they are busy in crying.

She said sighing, then Mingjue got a idea.

Nie Mingjue: A-qing! Why don't you join us.

Wen Qing: And why should I?

Nie Mingjue: What do you mean by Why? Gusu is a beautiful place, and the real reason is I don't wanna third wheel between that lovey-dovey couple.

Wen Qing: *laughing* So you want a partner in that?

Nie Mingjue: Oh come on. Just agree.

Wen Qing: *acting to think hard* ummm!

Nie Mingjue: Please, maybe future wife!

Wen Qing: Okay, maybe future husband!

They both laughed, while walking out of the room. There they saw two boys cuddling on the couch.

Nie Mingjue: You said they were crying? I can't find any trace of tear on their face.

Wen Qing: *smiling while looking at him* Didn't you know them?

Mingjue just smiled as he looked at his brother and his boyfriend, aka Wen Qing's brother.

Nie Mingjue: They look cute together.

Wen Qing: Yeah!

Wen Qing: A-SANG!! A-NING!!

Nie Mingjue: Pack your bags! We're going vacation!

Get the dose of cute Qing-Qing!

Author:-Get the dose of cute Qing-Qing!

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