Chapter 9

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Lan Xichen woke up with the bright light coming from the window. He irritatedly sit up on the bed, feeling uneasy with the pain in his lower body. He remembered the last night, as he blushed while covering his face. He saw his boyfriend coming out of the bathroom with only his pants on.

Lan Xichen: A-jue! *made grabby hands*

Mingjue saw him, as he come towards him while smiling lightly at the beautiful sight in front of him. Oh, how much he wants to woke up with him everyday. He hugged him, as both of them started to cuddle. Mingjue hesitantly but decided to share the news with his soulmate.

Nie Mingjue: A-huan!

Lan Xichen: Yeah?

He said looking up from his chest, right in his eyes of his boyfriend.

Nie Mingjue: I wanna tell you something.

He said pointing at his lower waist, Xichen looked down. As his eyes got widen, why didn't he saw this before? He saw the same tattoo as on his collarbone. He sighed, as he started to make annoyed noises and shaking Mingjue, complaining him.

Lan Xichen: WHY?? WHY JIANG CHENG AGAIN??? *pouting*

Nie Mingjue: Isn't it good that its confirmed that he is our third soulmate?

Lan Xichen: What if he's not nice to me? What if he's a bad guy? WHAT IF HE'S A GIRL??

Nie Mingjue: *laughing* That can't be possible! God knows I'm 100% gay.

"So that psycho girl lied to me. I'll kill her. How can someone lie with so much confidence?" Lan Xichen thought while cursing Wen Qing mentally. He came out of thoughts when the other taped his shoulder.

Nie Mingjue: What happened?

Lan Xichen: Nothing!

He said getting up from the bed, as he made his way towards the bathroom. Suddenly the door bell rang, as he heard his brother's voice. Mingjue got up to open the door.

Lan Xichen: First wear something, I don't want anyone to see my property. Even if its my brother. *winking*

Mingjue smiled as he went outside, while wearing his shirt on the way.
After some time, Xichen came downstairs and saw not only his brother and his boyfriend but also Mingjue's brother and his boyfriend and Wen Qing.

Wen Qing: The kids said they're hungry so I thought why don't we come here. I heard you're a good cook. *smirking*

Lan Xichen: Yes I am! But I'm tired now! *crossing his arms in annoyance*

Lan Wangji: But Xiong-zhang, didn't you just get up? How are you still tired?

Lan Xichen: Its nothing for you to know.

Wen Qing: Its okay, I'll make breakfast. Cause Mingjue loves my cooking. *teasing*

Lan Xichen: Absolutely not! Don't dare to enter my kitchen. I can cook far better than you! I can bet that.

He said stomping his feets to the kitchen, as she giggles at his behavior. While Mingjue just sighed, as he himself signed up for this drama.

 While Mingjue just sighed, as he himself signed up for this drama

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