Charmed~ Natasha

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a/n: i hope the person that inspired this isn't reading this rn-

As you lay in the arms of your favourite person, you couldn't help but stare up at her and smile. Her perfect long red hair cascaded down her shoulders in the most beautiful way possible.

She looked down at you, noticing your staring, "you okay?" You blushed and looked away, "yeah." Not wanting to push you too far, she grabbed the remote, "this is boring, we're watching something else."

Frowning, you huffed, "I was enjoying that." Kissing your forehead, she giggled at you, "I find that very to believe." You folded your arms across your chest, muttering something about a 'stupid annoyingly hot redheaded spy.'

She playfully hit your arm, "I heard that." Smirking, you sat up, "glad to know you're not completely incompetent." As she gasped, you took the opportunity to run up the stairs and into your bedroom, leaning against the door as she tried to open it.

Of course, she was an assassin so a door was no match for her. Although, she loved you and thought you were cute when you were like this so she decided to play along. "Let me in," she kicked the door, laughing when you actually did open it.

Instantly, she had tackled you onto your bed, tickling you, "I swear I'm gonna tickle you so much you won't be able to breathe." Your eyes widened slightly, "I'll die." She kissed your neck softly as she paused her attack on you, "I'm only messing with you, but I do know mouth to mouth."

She immediately began to tickle you again, gently, like angels wings brushing against your skin. The only thing that motivated her to continue was the sound of your laughter, even if you did sound like a breathless fish right now.

"Oh would you look at that, I have died," you closed your eyes, sticking your tongue out to the side to prove your point. "What a shame, do you need some mouth to mouth?" she asked you in the same tone that you used. "I think I do," your stomach filled with butterflies every time you even thought about kissing Natasha.

A person at the door clearing your throat got both of your attentions, of course it was the billionaire that owned the compound you were living in, "did I just walk in on some weird porn?" Your girlfriend groaned and threw a pillow at him, "shut up."

He swiftly left, afraid of the glare the redhead shot his way. You looked at her in awe, how could anyone find your adorable lover scary. She noticed your face and raised an eyebrow, "what?" You smirked, "why is he afraid of you."

Scoffing, she straddled your waist, "because I could kick his ass in three seconds." You laughed, "you could kick mine, and I'm not scared of you." She shook her head disapprovingly, "yeah but I wouldn't." You frowned, "why not?"

She leaned down to place a soft kiss to your lips, "because you're the love of my life. My precious baby. I could never even dream of harming you." Rolling your eyes jokingly, you teased her, "you're cheesy." She shrugged, flipping you over so you were lying on top of her, your head on her chest, "yeah but you love me." Looking up at her, you smiled, "I do."

Holding you gently in her arms, she kissed the top of your head, "do you want to watch a childhood favourite of mine?" You laced your fingers with hers, pressing your lips to her hand, "of course I would." She chuckled, "I hope you like 90's shows, because we're watching Charmed." You grinned, "if you wanted to look at hot witches, Wanda and Agatha are right down the hall."

She gasped overdramatically, "you wouldn't dare walk in on them." You shrugged, "I would." She held you closer to her as the show played in the background. All she cared about was you. Occasionally, she would kiss your head or temple, to remind herself that you were actually there in her arms.

Natasha was happy now, because of you.

a/n: i do this for free and you guys still have complaints? point is, haters gonna hate, shake it off, taylor swift, always right. (if you get that reference, i love you)

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