Morning~ Yelena Belova

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sorry for not posting for a while, but here is a fic i started a while ago and forgot to finish lmao it kinda sucks


People had called you many things, however a morning person was not one of them.

However, living with an avenger meant that getting up early was something you witnessed your girlfriend do every day. She didn't mind you sleeping in as long as you wanted to, but she did encourage you to go on a run with her sometimes, complaining the company of Sam and Bucky wasn't to her liking all the time.

"Good morning, moya lyubov," she brushed some hair out of your face, kissing your forehead. "Five more minutes," you shuffled closer to her, feeling her arms wrap around you tightly.

She sighed, inhaling the smell of your shampoo, "only if you come with me."

You huffed, "but it's 6:45."

Yelena could be very persuasive, but you were extremely stubborn.

"I'll make you pancakes when we get back," she tried to convince you. "Your pancakes suck," you giggled. She nodded in defeat, knowing that cooking wasn't her strength unless it just came from a box.

"I'll buy you the biggest, fluffiest blanket I can find?" she knew how much you loved blankets, your extensive collection taking up lots of space on your bed. "That's tempting, but I'd rather stay here where it's warm," you nuzzled your face in her chest.

She brought her hand up to scratch your scalp gently, "I'll braid your hair?" You hummed, considering it, "Natasha can braid hair too." Yelena scoffed, "not as well as I can." Smirking, you laced your fingers with hers, "I know, but at least she's not asking me to get out of bed this early."

"What if I give you all my hoodies?" she suggested. "For real?" you sat up, intrigued now. "I mean you'll have to share occasionally, but if that's what it takes," she thought she had figured out what you wanted now.

"Mm, no," you lay back down, Yelena letting out a small grunt at the impact of your head falling onto her chest again. "Is it about sharing?" she asked you. "No, we just already share your hoodies," you traced patterns on the slightly exposed skin of her stomach.

Sighing in defeat, she pulled a blanket over you, kissing the top of your head, "I guess five minutes won't hurt."

After a while, you heard her breathing even out and you silently celebrated your victory.

Though she would never admit to it, you had Yelena wrapped around your finger and she would do anything for you. She adored you like you were the most important thing to ever exist, because to her, you were.


i do not like this and it's very short but eh

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