Lethal Poser~ Natasha

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a/n: the start to my new series that will not be published on here :) it will be on my tumblr though soo

warnings: kidnapping?, uhh idk just natasha being really dominant in a non sexual way ig

The dark walls surrounding you made your stomach drop when you awoke. You couldn't remember how you got there, nothing made sense to you. The complete silence led you to believe the room was soundproofed, although you had to stop yourself from thinking about why before you drove yourself insane.

A small stream of light beamed through the crack underneath the door, you weren't sure if it was natural or artificial. Vibrations could be felt intermittently when someone walked past, their shadow blocking the light momentarily.

Shackles bound you to a chair and your wrists ached from the tight metal strangling your limbs. The duct tape over your mouth was tugging at your skin when you tried to scream for help, the sting adding to your pain.

After what felt like hours of sitting still and waiting for an explanation of why you were here, a group of men walked in. One of them had a long syringe, grinning maliciously as he approached you, injecting some kind of serum into your neck, instantly putting you to sleep.

Waking up again, you noticed the change of room. You were in a well decorated office, an entire wall was made of glass, contrasting the previous room you were just in. Quiet typing alerted you that you weren't alone, so you opted to stay silent and not move a muscle.

"Good morning," a deep, raspy voice spoke from the other side of the room. Your breath hitched in your throat at the realisation that your who you could only assume to be your captor knew of your conscious state.

"It's rude to ignore people, you know?" she spoke again. "Where am I?" you tried to keep your voice steady. "You're in my office, darling," her sweet tone was trying to lull you into a false sense of security.

"Why?" you were too afraid to turn and look at her. "You're a curious one. So many questions," she slowly walked around the couch you were laying on, staring down at you with amusement shown in her expression.

Locks of ginger cascaded down her shoulders, little braids randomly weaved into her slightly messy hair. Her white blouse was neatly pressed as were her black trousers. Black high heels clicked underneath her as she walked.

The necklace that was clasped around her neck had a little hourglass on it, it was beautiful. Her fingers were covered with silver rings that glistened in the sunlight.

"You're a pretty little thing," she smirked as she used a finger to tilt your chin up towards her. "Why am I here?" you scowled. "Oh come on honey, lighten up. You can't hate me that much already," she scoffed.

You sighed, your tense muscles relaxing slightly when she cupped your cheek, "that's it, love. Let me take care of you." Refusing to give in so easily, you broke eye contact with her.

"Look at me," she gripped your chin tightly, forcing your head to face her. "You're stuck with me, get used to it," she spoke with such dominance.

Walking back over to her desk, she proceeded to ignore you as you did her for the next few hours. Trying to keep your breathing quiet and movements to a minimum, you were scared for your life, and the woman who's office you were in was aware.

When her phone rang, she shouted down the line, and you felt bad for whoever was on the other side of the call. A lot of swear words were exchanged as she scolded them for god knows what.

She put the phone down, muttering something about hating men, and sat down on the couch you were laying on. "I'm sorry, you're not supposed to be here," she sighed in defeat.

Though you stayed silent, she could feel the relief radiating off of your body. "Now what?" you asked her. "I could kill you," she made eye contact with you, chuckling at your intense fear.

"Don't worry, if you keep quiet, I won't touch you and you'll never see me again. I'll give you a check that will let you and your great grandkids live extremely comfortably even though you don't seem very materialistic," she vaguely gestured to your outfit, "especially not when it comes to clothes."

You scoffed, although you were very grateful for her letting you go. Not knowing what was actually going on or where you were meant that she wasn't worried about anything getting leaked, but she knew she would occasionally check up on you just in case anyone saw you come in. Something inside her made her want to protect you.


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