Love~ Natasha Romanoff

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a/n: today i felt so bad (mentally) that i almost passed out from physical pain?? it doesn't make sense?? anyways how are you guys?


Natasha returned home early from her
mission, eager to surprise you. The loud music she was met with caused her to smile because nothing reminded her more of you than your favourite song.

Quietly tiptoeing to the kitchen door, she pulled out her phone and began taking a video of you dancing and singing to your heart's content while you made some pasta.

Nothing could warm her heart more than seeing you let loose while wearing her clothes, you were perfect in her eyes. From the way your hair moved around as you jumped about, to the fluffy socks you were wearing so you could slide about the floor with ease.

Sneakily, she ran up behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist, causing you to jump in fright. The knife in your hand was held up to her throat before you realised who she was.

"Tasha!" you grinned, bouncing on your heels. "I've missed you, detka," she kissed you softly. "I missed you too," you put your knife down on the chopping board before jumping into her arms, revelling in the comfort the familiar embrace provided you with.

She carried you over to the island, placing you down before standing between your legs, gazing down at you lovingly. You were her entire world, and nothing could ever change that.

When she studied your features, she noticed the tired look on your face, "you haven't been sleeping well." Sighing, you rested your head on her shoulder, "it was too difficult without you here."

Picking up your pasta, she put it in a plate and handed it to you. You thanked her and shared it with her as she was exhausted after her mission. She put the bowl in the sink before gently carrying you to bed.

After quickly showering, she promptly returned to your bed and let you bury your face in her chest. Her hand found it's way to your hair, running her fingers through, taking out the knots along the way.

Her favourite feeling in the world was to get to hold you in her arms, and now she was. Even while you slept, she couldn't bare the thought of falling asleep herself. She just wanted to stay up and protect you. Although even when she fell asleep, you knew she was still going to be there for you.


a/n: just a small comfort chapter because i am in desperate need of comfort rn even if it is fictional lmao

have you ever mowed a lawn? (me and my friend had a conversation about this, apparently i'm weird because i never have)

if you were a tree, what kind would you be?

what's the stupidest thing you've ever done?

your biggest regret?

something you wish you had done sooner?

how many pillows do you sleep with?

are you happy right now?

you wake up in the same universe as the avengers, what's the first thing you do?

the worst thing you've ever eaten?

how many blankets do you own?

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