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There might be slight anime spoilers in this story so if you didn't finish the anime that's on you ☺️

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There might be slight anime spoilers in this story so if you didn't finish the anime that's on you ☺️

You grabbed your luggage and stepped on the escalator. "Home sweet home" you smiled as you went down on the escalator.

As you reached the end of the escalator you looked around for a familiar face.

"Y/N! Over here!" You hear a voice that was all too noticeable and saw the face that matched the voice.

"Junpei!" You screamed as you ran to him. You embraced him as you smiled.

"I missed your dorky ass" you said as you gave him a light punch on his arm. "Oh shut up. I missed you too idiot." You both smiled and you both went to the car.

"Where's Riko?" You asked because they're always together, almost like they're attached at the hip.

"She had to take care of some things with team." He says as he buckled up. He pulled off once he saw you buckled up and you guys went home.

"How's mom and dad been?" You asked as you picked a song to play. "Oh lord they would never stop talking about how much they missed you when you guys didn't talk." You laughed and choose to play sHe by ZAYN.

"How was your studies?" He turned to look at you for a brief moment before looking back at the road.

"It was good I made a few friends, the food there was amazing." You smiled as you recalled the last year in Australia.

"That's good it's been pretty boring without you but the basketball team was really good last year." You had watched a few games while you were in Australia and saw they were good with those new additions.

"Oh yeah I saw some games. That red & blue haired kids were really good." Junpei smiled at this.

"Oh yeah Taiga Kagami and Tetsuya Kuroko, our shadow and light duo." You chuckled at this

"Bitch what kind of corny shit is that our shadow and light duo" you couldn't stop laughing and Junpei smacked your shoulder.

"You come back after a year and think you're so cool don't you" you both started laughing and kept talking until you got home.

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𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now