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YOUR ALARM WENT off and you rolled out of bed

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YOUR ALARM WENT off and you rolled out of bed. You rubbed your eyes and gathered your stuff. You headed to the bathroom to start your morning routine. You felt the warm water cascade down your body. Relaxing you and making you ready for the day.

You got out and got ready. You were ready about 20 minutes earlier so you made yourself a little thing of ramen. You ate it semi quickly. As you finished, your brother walked down the stairs.

You guys departed and headed to school. You really didn't want to go to school and deal with these teachers. They're annoying and give you a headache.

You only go because you have to. You enter the building and Kagami comes up to you. "Hey N/n" you look up from your phone. "Hey Tai" turning your phone and giving him your attention.

"When do you think we can hangout again?" He asked. You thought about your week. "You guys have games Tuesday and Thursday and practice in between then on the weekend I had plans with Sincere and Satsuki so probably next weekend" you said and he nodded. "FaceTime me then" he said as he walked back to his seat.

You looked over and didn't see Sincere enter. You texted her real quick.

N/n 😈

Sin 😛
I don't feel good

N/n 😈
Don't die okay love you

Sin 😛
Love you too

The bell rang as class started.

You went home after their practice

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You went home after their practice. You had to help Riko with some of their drills. You had checked to make sure everyone was still in good shape to play.

You were tired and plus you had a test in a few days. After you showered you called Kagami.

"Hey N/n" he said as he set his phone up on his dresser. You saw that his room was painted blue. His king bed was black and had gray sheets. He had posters of music artists, nba players, and pictures of his friends and family. You saw he had leds around his room on white to just brighten the room.

He had a plack above his head with his team and their win under it. He had music playing in the back softly. "Your room is nice" you said. He checked out yours and smiled. "Yours is way better" you heard the clicking of a remote.

"What you putting on?" He turned his head towards the phone. "Just some music, Any requests?" You nodded, "I luv your girl by The-Dream" (I love that song sm)

He nodded and typed it in. You heard the melody in the background and started nodding your head and singing along.

"Oh wait, I know this song" he said and you smiled. You both were singing along to the song. You were laughing and Kagami was smiling at you being happy. "You're very beautiful" he said staring at you.

You looked away and looked at your wall. "Thank you" he laughed and you turned your head. "What?" You questioned and he waved a dismissive hand.

"No for real what?"

"I really like you" he said and you looked at him. "I knew this why are saying this?" He shrugged and Do It Again by Pia Mia played. "You're corny Kagami" you laughed and you guys went back to listening to music.

It had been three hours of you on the phone with him. Your eyelids becoming heavy and barely even able to stay awake. "You tired?" He asked and you nodded.

"Just go to sleep" he said and you fell asleep like it was on command. He laughed and went to play his game.

A/n - I had some cheesy stuff in here but it's alright. The next two or so chapters are gonna be hopeless romantic type of stuff.

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now