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Today was a free day for you, you had nothing to do today

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Today was a free day for you, you had nothing to do today. No plans, no friends, just relaxing. You woke up to sun beams in your face. You closed your blinds and rubbed your eyes. You did some quick morning stuff and went downstairs.

You put your AirPods in and heard Siri say you had a text from Tai. She read it and it said "Hey N/n." You rolled your eyes and pulled out your phone.

Tai 🙄👎🏽
Hey N/n

N/n 🥶
Bro don't you want to relax today

Tai 🙄👎🏽
Bothering you seems better

N/n 🥶

Tai 🙄👎🏽
Anyways what cha doing today?

N/n 🥶
Relaxing, as should you

Tai 🙄👎🏽
Stfu, wanna go to the roller rink with me?

N/n 🥶

Tai 🙄👎🏽
You answered to fast

N/n 🥶
Playing let me ask my mom

You went to your mother's room and asked her and she told you yes.

N/n 🥶

Tai 🙄👎🏽

N/n 🥶
Okay she said I could go

Tai 🙄👎🏽
See you then

You checked the time, it was 12:32 pm. You got something to eat before watching some Mob Psycho. You watched until it was about 4 pm. You went to your room and got your stuff for a shower.

You went to shower. You were playing Doctor, My eyes by Khamari. You felt the warm water fall down your body. You were excited to hang out with Kagami today.

After you got out you did your hair and put on your outfit. It was a Tupac Graphic with baggy skater jeans with some black converse. You checked the time. It was 6:02 pm. Kagami said he would be there by 6:10. You added some bracelets and necklaces and sprayed some perfume.

You chilled on your bed until he came and got you. You got the "outside" text from him and went outside. You told your mom you were leaving and she told you to be safe. You went outside and saw him looking down at his phone.

You knocked on the window and he unlocked the door.

"Hey" You said as you got in. "Hey" he smiled and after you buckled drove off. "Can I get aux?" You asked and he looked at you like you were crazy.

"Bro yes or no" you said and he hesitated to give it to you. "If your shit is trash, you'll be giving it back" you rolled you eyes and played a song.

You played I Love You by Young Slo-Be. He started singing along and you laughed. "You thought my shit would be trash huh?" He kept his eyes on the road and kept driving.

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now