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YOUR PHONE BUZZED and you saw that it was Momoi calling you

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YOUR PHONE BUZZED and you saw that it was Momoi calling you. "Hey Satsuki. What's up?" You smiled as you watched your two kids play in the living room. You and Kagami had two children during the few years. You had a girl named Himari, who's 3 and a boy named Junta who was 2.

"I wanted everyone to have a catch up so I'm calling everyone. Can you invite the others whose numbers I don't have?" Her voice ringing through your ears. "Yeah I got you, what time is this little get together?" You asked and she took a minute to think about it.

"Like around 3 or 3:30 it all depends when Tetsu gets back, so be here around 3:30." You hummed giving her some approval. "We'll be there see you soon Suki, love you." You could basically hear her smile through the phone. "See you soon, love you too." The phone dinged to show that she ended it.

You grabbed your kids and got them dressed. Kagami seen you go up the stairs with both of them in your arms. "What's happening?" He asked as you walked up the staircase. "Momoi wants to have a get together at 3:30." He nodded and followed you up the stairs.

You two worked together to get your kids dressed. He loved picking out his daughter's clothes always so you let him dress Himari. You dressed Junta in a nike shirt with a pair of basketball shorts and his crocs. It was warm outside and didn't want him to be too warm.

Kagami dressed your daughter in a panda shirt with a pair of black leggings and her air forces. "Wow you can actually dress her today." You were a little shocked because every other time he tried to dress her it ended horribly. "Shut it." He glared at you and you rolled your eyes.

"I'm just messing around." You gave him a kiss on the cheek and went back downstairs to the living room. You both got the kids ready and headed to Satsuki's house.

You knocked on her door and she opened it with a smile. "Hey there, Tetsu is in the living room if you wanna go see him Kagami." He nodded and walked in the direction of his best friend. "So who's all coming today?" You stepped inside and put your kids down to play with Satsuki's daughter, Mai.

"All the generation of miracles, your brother and Riko, Sincere, Wakamatsu, Sakurai, Takao, Kiyoshi, Izuki, and Himuro." You nodded and you walked to the kitchen with her. You watched as she prepared the snacks for everyone. "Those look good, can I get some before everyone else gets here?" You made those puppy eyes but she refused. "You're not gonna get me N/N I'm a new woman now." She turned her head away from you and continued.

You went in the living room and saw Kagami and Kuroko. "Hey Testu." He turned to you and waved. "Hey Y/N, how you been? I know it's been hard living with Kagami." Kagami turned his head. "What's that supposed to mean" he glared at his best friend.

"Nothing nothing don't cry I'm just messing with you." Kuroko waved his hand at Kagami and Kagami rolled his eyes. "Ok whatever" he sneered. "Anyways, yeah I'm good life is calm, how about you?" You turned to Kuroko.

"Same here" you nodded and turned to the kids playing. You heard the door open and looked up. "Satsuki, where are you? Oh hey guys" Aomine looked at you and everyone said hi at the same time.

His daughter Aoi followed behind him and played with the other kids. He walked into the kitchen to talk to Momo. Sakurai came in shortly after. He sat down beside you and greeted everyone.

"How's everyone been?" He asked and everyone gave the same answer of "we're all good." He nodded and watched the kids playing. Izuki, Kiyoshi, and Wakamtsu all came in at the same time. Kiyoshi brought his son, Kenji and he ran up to you. "Oh my I haven't seen you in forever. Look how big you've gotten!" You smiled at the kid.

"My dad said if I keep growing I can play basketball just like him." You smiled and nodded. "You wanna play basketball too?" The kid nodded and you smiled. "Maybe you'll be even better than him."

Kiyoshi snapped his head towards you. "What's that supposed to mean?" He glared. "What I said." You snapped back. "I've got my eye on you Y/N. Watch your back." He said.

Riko and your brother walked in after he said that. They brought their two kids, Mei and Emi. "Auntie Y/N!!" They ran to you and you hugged them. "Hey! How have you been?" They smiled. "We've been good! We got a puppy yesterday!" They were practically vibrating with excitement. "Oh really? What's the dog's name?" You asked as you watched their faces light up even more. "We decided to name it Cookie since it's black and white." You nodded and they smiled. "You have to come see her Auntie Y/N!"

You laughed and smiled at the two children. "I sure will sometime."

More and more people came in and more and more kids appeared. After everyone got there, Satsuki called everyone to get some food since everyone had eaten the snacks. Aomine was the first in line to get the food and everyone yelled at him. "Hey! She said everyone. I am in the majority."

You, Sin, and Suki all shook your heads in disbelief. "Come on Aomine, let the kids eat first." He shook his head. "No, they can wait until I'm finished getting a plate." He says that then hands a plate to daughter. "Bro has a soft spot for his daughter." Kagami said. "Boy shut up like you baby our two kids." He shook his hands infront of everyone. "She lying on my name guys!" Everyone rolled their eyes. "Sure she is."

Everyone was laughing and joking together. Playing games and just being comfortable in each other presence. "It feels like we were never even apart." Kuroko said as someone pulled out their phone.

"Let's get a picture to remember this day!" You said and everyone nodded. Everyone grabbed their kids and they set the phone down to get everyone in it. "Alright 3! 2! 1!" The picture snapped and everyone smiled.


A/n - after a month and some here's the last chapter consider it a new year gift from me. also go read my other story "this life i lead" it's a kakucho x reader.

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now