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It was a hotter day

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It was a hotter day. About 20° warmer today. "Oh man it's hot out here" you breathed out.  "Tell me about it, summer is approaching" Hyūga said as your guys walked to the building.

You approached your class and sat in your seat. You heard a noise from beside you. You look over and see Kuroko. "Oh! Hey Kuroko" you say a little startled. "Sorry about that, but do you know when our next game is gonna be?" He spoke softly.

"Hold on" you pulled out a bright green folder and pulled out the paper with all the games.

"Um, Thursday" you said, Thursday was 2 days from now and they verse Kaijo.

"Oh so they got a game soon? Who they versing?" Sincere asked. "Kaijo" you replied.

"Oh they got that blonde haired model guy right? Why he kinda fine" Sincere and you laughed at the last part.

"Wait Y/n, I thought we played Yosen Thursday?" Kagami spoke up.

You looked back down at your paper and looked for the date of the next game. You double checked and it was indeed Kaijo.

"Nope, Kaijo you'll be playing your bestie" you put the paper back and put the folder away.

"Kise isn't my bestie ya hear?"

"Oh hush it Kagadummy" you laughed and he gritted his teeth.

"Kagami are you really fighting with a girl? You're so awkward." Kuroko speaks and me and sincere start laughing.

"Why you" Kagami gets up but the teacher enters the room. "L" You and sincere say as the teacher starts talking.

You walked down to the gym with Kagami and Kuroko trailing behind

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You walked down to the gym with Kagami and Kuroko trailing behind. You heard them talking about something, but no idea what.

You got to the gym and took out your clipboard with your papers. You took track of everyone who came in the gym. After you heard everyone slowly coming in, there was a bang.

Your head turned to the sound and saw Kagami on the ground. "Dawg what happened?" You asked as you helped him up.

"I tried to dunk, but jumped too high" he scratched his neck and you sat him down. You asked him questions to see if he had a concussion.

"Can you remember what just happened?"
"I jumped too high"

"Do you feel like you're about to pass out?"

"Do you feel you have to vomit?"

"Are you sensitive to the lights in here"

You asked him some more questions and he seemed fine. "Ok you don't have a concussion, but take it easy damn" you said and sent him off.

"What are you my mom? Shut up Y/n" he could bitch all he wanted, he was glad someone cared.

The practice went smoothly aside from Kagami's head dunk. The boys seemed ready for their game the day after tomorrow.

As you started packing up to go home, you felt a tap on your shoulder.

You turned around and were faced with Kuroko. "Hey Y/n" he said softly.

"Hey Kuroko? What do you need?" You looked at him and he smiled. "Can you give this to Momoi next time you see her?" You looked down at it and saw medium sized piece of paper.

You nodded and he walked away. You opened it and then closed it back. It wasn't your note to read and you could ask Satsuki if she would tell you what's on the page.

You waited for Junpei to come out, so you guys could go home.

"Come on Y/n stop staring into space" he said from behind you and you turned around. You nodded and started walking with him.

"You like Kagami?" He spoke. You turned to him and gave him a weird look. "If you're talking about me asking him about his concussion, it was a safety percussion. He can't play if he has a concussion even if it's slight or severe." You explained to him and Junpei nodded.

"Better not let me catch you messing around with him, you'll both end up dead" he stated.

"Yeah yeah, let's just go home" you wave your hand at him and you walk inside your house.

You walk and are greeted with the smell of Mac and cheese, collard greens, and chicken. "What's the occasion?" Junpei said as we took our shoes off.

"Nothing, felt like making it" your mother spoke. "Aye no worries Ma it's all good" you said as you grabbed a plate.

You got your serving and sat down. You waited for everyone to get seated. You guys started eating when everyone finally got seated.

"You coming to our game Thursday?" Junpei asked your parents. Your dad said no but your mother said yes. "I'm booked for that whole day" your father said.

Your father is a barber, his shop is very well known. Everyone loves your father cause he always does well on their hair. Everyone in the neighborhood knows us.

I continued eating my food until I was done. After I put my plate in the sink and went upstairs to get ready for bed.

They've got that game Thursday. Kagami seemed fine today when I asked him those questions, but who knows. I hope it doesn't manifest into a concussion.

You thought about if Kagami wasn't able to play Thursday. They might not win, but they have a good team so we might prevail. They don't have that Kasamatsu guy this year.

"I'll just go to sleep" you said as you turned off your light.

A/N - GUYS I FINALLY UPDATED. I had absolutely no idea what to do for this chapter!!!! But I finally found an idea so enjoy this tiny filler ig

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now