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THE MORNING of our graduation is finally here

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THE MORNING of our graduation is finally here. Half a year flew past. You and Sincere got ready together and she did your makeup. "How do you feel that we're finally graduating?" You looked up at her and she chewed her lip. "I'm gonna miss you and Satsuki that's all I know." You laughed and nodded.

"I'm gonna miss you two idiots too." You said and closed your eyes so she could do your eyeshadow. "Where are you going anyway? You never told me." Sincere said you and you frowned. "Cornell" you said bluntly. "Damn that's far from me, I'll be in Montana."

"Where's Kagami going?" She asked. "UCLA." You said and she sighed. "Aw man that's a 40 hour drive." She said and you nodded. "I think we can make it work." She nodded and you both got ready to leave.

You got there and went backstage as you waited for everyone and the principal. You saw Kagami and he smiled. "Hey you look really beautiful, hey sin." He said and you smiled. "Hey tai you look ugly as hell." Sin replied. Kagami and Sincere had started getting closer, but Sincere knew the boundaries and never crossed them. (No fake friends around this piece 🙅🏽‍♀️)

"Hey Tai, you excited?" You said and he shrugged. "I'm not too excited but it is apart of growing up." You nodded as the principal started calling everyone out. They called Kagami's name to go sit down and then you too followed suit.

They called his name first and you and sincere screamed super loud. You spotted Junpei and the other third years walking in and you smiled at your brother. They called your name and you could your brother and you teared up a bit. Sincere got her diploma and you bet you were the loudest.

After the ceremony, you ran up to Junpei. "It's been forever since I seen you Jun." you cried. "Oh calm down, it's only been a year. If you cried from me being away for only a few months imagine that year." He laughed and you slapped his arm.

"Stop I take it back I don't miss you anymore." You smiled and he hugged you again. "I missed you too sis." You both smiled and he looked at Kagami.

"You been treating my sister right?" Kagami nodded and Hyūga did his menacing smile. "You better be or else I'll kick your ass." Kagami took a step back and nodded, "don't worry I have been!" He slaps Kagami's back.

"I'm just messing with you Kagami. Loosen up." You walk to Junpei's car and start getting nostalgic. "Back in the day, I got picked up from the airport in this car. Good times." You teared up a little again. "So much has happened since I came back and it all feels like a blur." Kagami and Junpei both nodded because it's been a wild ride.

"Crazy to think I was chilling in Australia 2 years ago. Time really flies while you're having fun." Everyone gets in the car and you all head over to Olive Garden for food.

" Everyone gets in the car and you all head over to Olive Garden for food

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After you all finished your food, you dropped Kagami off at home. You and Junpei went home and in the car ride you talked. "I heard you and Kagami aren't going to the same school." You nodded and looked at your hands.

"Yeah but we'll just have to adjust I guess." He looked at you then back at the road. "It's hard but you'll get through it. You guys have been through a lot in this past 2 years, what's another obstacle?" You smiled and nodded. "Yeah we'll be just fine."



"Departure for New York now boarding at gate 523." The speaker overhead sounded through the airport. You grabbed your suitcase and looked at Kagami.

"Well. I guess this is our goodbye Taiga." Tears pricked your eyes as you stood by him. "It is sadly. It'll work." He hugged you and you wrapped your arms around you. "Before you know it we'll be right back with each other." You nodded and hugged him again and gave him a kiss.

"I'll miss you so much, call me when you land." He nodded and started walking to the gate. "I love you so much." He stated and you nodded. "I love you more."

Into the gate he went and you turned to your mom. "It'll be alright sweetie. Just focus on your studies and friends and you'll make it through the three years. Christmas isn't that far from now you'll be together again. Just have fun at college and it will fly by."

A/n - finally updated y'all I knew you missed me, but I have like 3 or 4 chapters left and they might be consistent they might not no guarantees.

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now