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YOU WOKE UP to Kagami kissing your forehead

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YOU WOKE UP to Kagami kissing your forehead. "Are we gonna go see your dad today?" You asked as you rubbed your eyes. He nodded and you just pulled the blanket off your legs. You grabbed your stuff and got ready to take a shower.

You got in the shower and felt the water roll down your body. The warmth of it soothing your aching back from being in that airplane seat for too long. You washed your body and got out. You put on a pair of cargo pants, a graphic, and some crocs.

You saw Kagami was also ready so you two left. Alex got you two a Jeep Compass as a rental for your stay. You grabbed the keys and you both got in.

He pulled off as you were grabbing the cord for the aux. You turned on Robbery Part 3 by Tee Grizzley. He looked at you when he saw it pop up. "What you know about this song?" He asked. You laughed and replied, "I listened to this album and even sent it to you."

He shook his head and you nodded. "Yes I did, you even said, oh this shit is bumping, adding it now." He looked at you like you were speaking another language.

"You're lying straight through those pearly whites." You rolled your eyes and he put his hand on your thigh. "Don't roll your eyes at me, who do you think you are?" You laughed when he said that. "Make me" you said and he did the laugh. (The one when they laugh with their tongue in their cheek and look away 😮‍💨)

"I will, don't worry baby" he said as he looked back at the road. You laughed and he looked back at you. "What?" He asked and you turned to him. "You ain't about nothing."

He squeezed the hand on your thigh. "You don't know that." You grabbed his hand and held it. "Yeah I'm not letting you do anything of that anytime soon baby boy."

You both looked back at the road and finally pulled up to the hospital. You guys got out and started to head inside. Kagami went up to the desk and asked the lady for his dad's room number.

"Come on let's go" he turned to you and started walking in the direction of his room. You followed beside him, hand in hand. "You okay?" You asked as you looked up at him. He nodded and kept looking for the number.

"What's the number?" You asked and he turned to you. "125" he said and you nodded. You read the numbers as you went down the line of rooms. "120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125" you said as you finally arrived at his dad's room.

You both walked in and saw his dad eating. "Hey dad, how you doing?" Kagami asked his dad. His dad turned to his son and smiled. "Hey son, I'm good how are you? Who's this?" He asked and you spoke up. "I'm his girlfriend, Y/n L/n." His dad smiled at you.

"You're a beautiful girl, how's my son doing?" You smiled and sat in one of the chairs beside him. "Thank you, he's a little crazy but I know how to keep him in check."

His dad laughed at your reply. "I'm not crazy in the slightest, don't listen to her dad" you gave him the 'you're a whole lie' look. "Yeah me and her both know you're lying Taiga." He laughed and so did you.

"You guys love picking on me huh?" You and his dad nodded and he pouted. "Aw don't pout baby" you grabbed his face and kissed his pouty face. His dad smiled as he saw you two share this affectionate moment.

"Young love, ew" his dad spoke and you both rolled your eyes. "That's how I was when you and mom kissed." You grabbed his hand and ran thing over the back of his hand. "Me and your mother were different, we were cute." You and Kagami gasped.

"Did you just call me and my amazing, handsome boyfriend ugly?" You raised an eyebrow at him and his dad nodded. "Me and his mother were cuter than either of you will ever be."

You and Kagami gasped again. "You a lie" you replied and his dad shook his head. "I have never lied a day in my life." You looked at Kagami and he looked back at you. "Yeah you a lie" Kagami repeated.

"Well dad, me and Y/n are hungry so we'll be back." His dad nodded, "be safe you two love you" you both nodded and walked out. "Love you too" you both said and left.

"He's funny" you said and Kagami nodded. "Yeah, he makes me laugh all the time." You got to the car and went to the McDonald's down the street. You guys got your regular order. You guys ate the food in the car as you listened to music in the background.

After you both finished eating, you drove back to the hospital. You found you way back to his room. You both saw him watching tv. He was watching Rick and Morty. "Hey dad we're back" his dad turned to him and smiled. "Glad to see you both back here."

You both sat down on the chairs and kept talking with his dad. It felt like you guys were talking for hours. You both were laughing when his dad started to doze off a bit. "Man, he fell asleep and it's only 6:15." Kagami said and you looked at your watch.

"He did always go to sleep hella early." Kagami said and you laughed. "My mom be going to bed at like 9:00." You rested your head on his shoulder. "Ready to go? Since he's asleep?" He nodded and as you both got up you heard a beep.

You turned around and saw his dad flatlining. "Kagami! Go get a doctor! He's flatlining!" Kagami ran out of the room and found a doctor. 4 nurses ran in and rolled him out.

You grabbed Kagami's hand as tears ran down his face.

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now