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Three days later

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Three days later...

You lugged yourself to school because you really just did not want to go. "Junpeiiiii" you whined. "Oh what do you want now Y/n" he grumbled.

"Can I go back home?"

"What?! No you can't, now shut up." He quiet screamed at you because he was already tired of you today. You pouted and walked to your homeroom. You sat down by Sincere. "Hey Sin" you said tiredly. "Ew you're like dead, wake up" she gave you a disgusted look.

"Wow #fakefriend" you said and she laughed at you. "I told you that Satsuki came to see me a few days ago right?" You asked her. She nodded and you talked about something else.

You guys were about to continue with your conversation as your teacher walked in.

"Oh boy here we go. Another boring class with Mr. Dallas" you sighed as he started speaking about the lesson.

 Dallas" you sighed as he started speaking about the lesson

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As you were about to walk out of the class, Mr. Dallas called you over.

"Hey, Y/n come here for a moment" he motioned you over and you turned around and walked to his desk. "What is it Mr. Dallas?" You ask as he was looking at something on his computer.

"So I see you're not in any extracurriculars, you need to join one" he informs you and gives you a sheet.

"This is a club membership form, fill it out and give it to whoever runs whatever club you decide to join. Let me know by Friday what you decided to join." He tells you and you tell him that you will and you walk out.

'Bruh I'm already tired from school and now I have to join an extracurricular. Imma die' you thought to yourself and thought about what you were going to join.

You kept thinking until you remembered the basketball team doesn't have a manager. You went to the gym and saw only Riko in there. "Hey Riko," you greeted her and she turned around to tell you hello back.

"What are you here for Y/n?" She asks.

"I have to join an extracurricular, then I remembered you don't have a manager so. Can I be the manager" you put your hands together in a praying position.

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now