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YOU WOKE UP to Kagami sleeping on the screen

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YOU WOKE UP to Kagami sleeping on the screen. You ended the call and got ready for school. They had a game today, so you made sure you brought everything you needed because you would be gone a while.

They play Tōō today. You were excited to see him play against Aomine since you two played against him the other day. You made sure your bag was packed. You went downstairs to see your brother waiting for you.

"I heard you on the phone last night" you turned to him and rolled your eyes. "Don't start its 7:45 it's not that serious dawg" you replied and he nodded. "Yeah it is, what if he-"

"Stop thinking he will, just cause Houston did doesn't mean Kagami will" you glared at your brother.

Houston Andrews, the boy who you liked since 2nd grade. You liked him so much and he liked you the same amount back. You guys were attached at the hip. You guys started "dating" in 7th grade. It wasn't real dating compared to what you have now, but it's close enough.

He came over your house everyday, you went to the movies together, staying at each other's house until dark. Cheesy little middle school relationships. You guys seemed like you were in love with each other.

Until it all went wrong.


It was your last day home before you went to study abroad. Sincere had texted you that day.

Sin 😛
Hey, you still are dating Houston right?

N/n 😈
Yeah why?

Sin 😛
I just saw him with Lily, holding hands and kissing

N/n 😈
Are you fucking with me?

Sin 😛
Y/n I would never lie about something like this

N/n 😈
Do you have proof

Sin 😛

N/n 😈
Then how do I know you're not lying to me right now Sincere

Sin 😛
Why the fuck would I lie about your boyfriend fucking cheating on you Y/n.

N/n 😈
I don't know but how do I know it's not a fucking joke to make me look dumb?

Sin 😛
You're being stupid right now

N/n 😈
Oh okay. If that's how you feel.

Sin 😛

Sin 😛

Sin 😛

You couldn't believe that Sincere would try some dumb shit like that to you. You texted Houston.

What's this I hear about Lily?

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now