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TODAY YOU AND Kagami we're going to hang out and have a cute little date

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TODAY YOU AND Kagami we're going to hang out and have a cute little date. He said you were going to chill at his house, then go get some food, and go to a carnival that just opened up.

He said you guys would go to this new Japanese place. He said he would pick you up at 12:30, it was now 10:25. You went in the shower and started your routine. You turned on your speaker and shuffled your music. Go best friend came on.

You started singing. You definitely had the mindset that your ex bestie had did you absolutely wrong. Even though you're only best friends you ever had were Sincere and Satsuki.

You kept jamming to your music. When you were dressed you went downstairs and got some food. You made yourself a breakfast sandwich sided with eggs, bacon, and grits.

As you were cooking, you heard someone behind you.

"Yo can I get some?" You shook your head at your idiot brother. "Absolutely not" you said not even batting an eye at his antics. "Are you leaving again?" He asked and you nodded. "Well be safe, I'll be back when my food is done" he went upstairs after that.

"You won't be back then" you replied and continued cooking. Your food was done in about 15 minutes and you kindly made your brother some.

You went upstairs and got him. "Come on I ain't got all day" you left and went back downstairs. He quickly left his room. "Fatass couldn't wait to eat" you started laughing and he gave you a death glare.

"Oh ok giving me that look like I didn't just make that, there could be bleach in that for all you know" he paused and then kept eating. "Ok mf" you sat down and he followed you.

You and your brother turned on your show, Avatar. You guys were on the last episode of season 2. You both ate as the show played. Soon you got a text from Kagami saying he would be there soon.

You had you crocs by the door and your stuff with you. You could watch until he got here.

You guys watched til episode 3 of season 3 when he arrived. You told your brother bye and left. He saw you and gave you a hug. "You good?" He asked and you nodded. "You?" You replied and he gave the same answer.

You both got in and buckled up. He pulled off and drove to his house. "Why did you ask me about my future?" You looked at him and he peered at you from the corner his eye.

"I'm just wondering" he eyes trained on the road infront of you two. You gave him a nod and looked back at the road. The comfortable silence fell back between you two. You took this time to admire Kagami.

You saw the way his jaw clenched when he was focused, the way he always made sure you were good, the way he rested his hand by yours inching closer every second, it was the little stuff.

You smiled and grabbed his hand and he looked over at you and smiled. You guys finally got to his house.

You walked inside and saw it. It was a neutral color scheme. Beige walls with gray furniture. Posters of NBA players, pictures of his friends, and other stuff. You nodded at the decor, "nice nice" he turned to you.

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now