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THE TIME DID FLY by it was now Christmas Eve

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THE TIME DID FLY by it was now Christmas Eve. You were on your flight home and you knew Kagami was flying too. His flight left before yours and he would be there an hour before you. He told you that he would wait for you there.

You finally landed and saw Kagami and ran straight to him. "I'm so glad we're together again." You smiled and he smiled back at you. "So am I, I missed you so much and so much has happened during college." You and him walked to the car where your mom was picking you both up.

"Hey Mom" you said as you got into the car and he waved at you. "Hello." Kagami said and she waved at him too. "Everyone buckled before we head out?" You both nodded and she pulled off.

You were excited for Christmas because your mom went all out during Christmas. The decorations are always over the top, but they're always so beautiful. Your mom also made really good sugar cookies and snickerdoodles. (Love me some snickerdoodles)

You were excited to give your family your gifts because you thought you would really like them. You arrived home and you grabbed your stuff from the trunk and walked inside.

You saw that Junpei and Riko were already there. Everyone sat on the couches and caught up with what happened over the last few months. Junpei said he made 10 3 pointers in a row in a quarter in his game.

Kagami said he's starting to be scouted for the NBA. You have aced all your tests and made some new friends named Jaya and Lyla. Riko has been going to school for Physical Therapy and has got and internship at a Physical Therapy Center.

Everyone was happy to catch up and everyone was excited for the morning so we could all hand out gifts. Everyone put their presents under the tree and went to bed.

- Time Skip -

It was finally morning and you all ran to open your presents. First, your mom grabbed a present and opened it. It was Junpei and it was a portrait of all of us. Next, your dad got a new hair trimmers. (I dead forgot they said in the show his parents were hair dressers until just now) He had been asking for those trimmers for ages.

Junpei got a House by Ted Dekker from you because he had been talking about wanting to read it for the longest. (Highly recommend) Riko got a notebook from Junpei because she loves to draw in her free time. Kagami got a bunch of hoodies since he wanted some more. You got a pair of shoes you have been wanting for ages but never had the time to go out and get them.

After everyone opened the presents, your mom went to make Christmas Dinner. She is going to make Mac and cheese, ham, greens, mashed potatoes, and heated up some Hawaiian Rolls. After it was all done you guys go to eating and kept laughing and catching up.

You never knew how much you could miss someone until just now when you missed times like these

A/n - I've been busy but I'm going start writing another story so please go give support on that. It's gonna be titled This Life I Lead. This is almost over gonna cry

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now