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You were excited to go to school today

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You were excited to go to school today. Today the boys played Shutoku for the first time. You were excited to see how the boys compared to Midorima now. Everyone had gotten stronger and you wanted to see how much better he gotten.

You walked in and saw some random girl at the front of the room. Your teacher smiled and called you over. "Y/n, this is Monique Keys. She wants to talk to you" you raised an eyebrow and nodded. She lead you out of the room and you guys talked.

"So I heard you studied abroad in Australia." You nodded your head and she beamed. "How was it?" You explained what it was like over there. "That seems nice, I want you to come to my school for just 2 weeks and shadow." You raised an eyebrow and spoke.

"What school?" Monique parted her lips. "Razukan" you thought about if you had heard that school before. "Um, why do you want me to shadow there?" You questioned and she laughed.

"Because it's a private academy and you're a very smart girl" you thought this seemed weird.  "There are other smart kids here? Why am I the only one getting this offer?" You asked and Monique spoke again.

"Akashi wants you to attend his school" you looked confused. "Who is Akashi?" Monique laughed. "You don't know who he is? He's the Generation of Miracles captain."

You did recall them talking about The Miracle Gen having a strong captain, but you weren't listening that hard. "Um let me think about it" you said and walked back into the classroom.

Kagami walked over to you. "Hey N/n" you smiled at the red haired boy. "Hey Tai" he smiled back. "I saw you leave with lady, what did y'all talk about?" He asked.

"She said Akashi wanted me to attend Razukan cause I was "smart" you said and Kagami looked disgusted. "Bro that mf tried to stab me last year at the winter cup" you widen your eyes.

"Aw nah, where he at. Imma fuck his lil ass up" you said and Kagami stopped you. "Chill, he's cool now" you rolled your eyes. "Yeah he cool now until he pulls some crazy ass shit like that again" you said sitting down and he sat down beside you.

"That's why I said now, bro got two personalities like YNW Melly" he said and you started laughing. Kagami's face stayed serious. "Wait you fr?" You asked and he nodded.

"Aw hell nah, Kuroko he being deadass?" You turned to him and Kuroko nodded. You were shaking your head while laughing.

The teacher started teaching and you all turned your attention to the front.

You walked out of class and started to head towards the gym

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You walked out of class and started to head towards the gym. Kagami trailed behind you. "Aye N/n, you just gonna leave me like that?" He said and you nodded and kept walking.

"I'm just playing" you waited for him to catch up and you guys walked together. You guys were talking until you reached the gym. Kagami went into the locker room and changed into his uniform for the game.

Everyone had gotten ready and everyone started to make their departure for the game. The train ride had minimal talking between players. Just about how they would think the game would play out today.

You watched videos on how Midorima had played during this season. You thought up of ways that he might play against you guys today.

You were very analytical and thought of ways to do anything. If you were playing a game of monopoly you tried to guess how the other people would play. You thought of ways to make them lose everytime.

Sometimes your plans worked and sometimes they didn't. It didn't matter to you because it would be a 50% chance they wouldn't work.

You usually held great odds. You guys had arrived to the building that you were playing in. The floors were shining and the place smelled like new shoes.

You smiled as you went to sit down but someone stopped you. You turned around and saw a black haired boy. "You must be Seirin's new manger" he spoke.

"Yeah and who are you?" You asked. "Kazunari Takao" you had heard how his eyes combat Izuki's.

"Mhm. That Hawk eyed guy?" You questioned and he nodded. "Got the best eyes around" he said and you were wondering why he was still here. "Look buddy if you're tryna flirt, kick rocks. I like someone" you said shooing away the boy.

"Fine" he said with his hands behind his head. Everyone set their bags down and Kagami looked down at you. You held an annoyed expression.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked. "That Takao nigga tried to flirt with me" you said. "I'm guessing you didn't acknowledge his acts?" He asked.

You nodded and he took his jacket off. "Alright gotta warm up" he said before walking on the court. You sat down with your stuff as you were ready to watch the game.

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now