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YOU WERE SHOCKED at the news you just received

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YOU WERE SHOCKED at the news you just received. "What? Why?" You asked and he explained. "My dad is dying and I want to see him before he goes." You held his hand tighter at the news. "You want to go alone?" You asked and he nodded.

"I don't want me being sad and gloomy ruining your life" you shook your head. "I don't want you to be alone during a hard time in your life" You said as you walked to his car. He nodded, "I'll think about it" you looked forward as the car fell into silence.

The ride to his apartment was awkward. You were spending the night there and you didn't know how to start conversation. You sighed and rub your hand over your face. You arrived at his house and you both got out.

You walked in and went to his room. You sat on his bed and he followed suit. You guys played some music and he was grabbing something from across the room. You wanted to ask about his dad but not seem rude or pushy.

You sighed and you looked at him. He looked back at you. "Are you sure you wanna go?" He asked and you nodded. "You're my boyfriend right" You replied and he nodded. "So why wouldn't I want to be with you when you're hurting?" He shrugged and he went up to him.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his around your waist. You kissed him and he smiled. "I care about you Tai, I hope you know that." He nodded.

"Yeah I know" you rolled your eyes. "Then act like it" he laughed and you both sat down on his bed. You put on a movie and you guys cuddled and fell asleep.

By next week you and Kagami headed to the airport

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By next week you and Kagami headed to the airport. You both got on the plane and got situated. You pulled out your phone and waited until the plane took off to start your movies. You had 14 hours to go and you were gonna be tired. You and Kagami had watched about 5 hours of movies.

You were so bored on this flight. You wondered how he did this more than once. You sighed and looked over. During the middle of the move he had fell asleep. You sighed and took out his headphone and put it in your ear and turned your movie back on.

9 hours later

The plane was finally landing in California. You stretched and yawned as everyone was able to get up. You had fell asleep 6 hours before the plane landed. That nap was feeling really nice until the plane landed.

You stretched as you grabbed your self to get off the plane. Kagami was still in a haze but he was right behind you. Alex was waiting for you guys. "Taiga!!" She said running to him and giving him a hug. "Who's this?" She looks at you and you step forward. "Hi, I'm Y/n. I'm Kagami's girlfriend."

Her face lit up at this and she smiled. "I didn't know you got any girls Taiga." His face went from a smile to a blank expression. "Oh okay, N/n we're going to stay at a hotel instead." He said walking away from Alex and you laughed.

"I was just playing Taiga" she said as she ran to catch up with us. We followed Alex to her car. We got in and she drove to her house. Her house was big to say the least. It was about 3 stories.

We walked inside and it was huge. "Whoa Alex your house is so nice" you said in awe. "Oh thank you" she smiled at you and showed you where you two were sleeping.

"You two can sleep in the same room or not, I don't care." She said as she walked away and let you have space. "Do you wanna be separate or together?" You looked at him and he said together.

You both walked into the room and saw it was a black color scheme. You looked around and it had pictures of Kagami and Tatsuya. "Aw you two were so young!" You walked over to it and Kagami blushed.

"Stop! That's embarrassing!" He said moving you away from the picture. You moved back to your spot and he kept trying to move you. You stood your ground and couldn't be moved.

"Yeah don't try that ever again in your lifetime" you said putting your stuff away.

45 minutes later

You and Tai had finally put everything away and layed down. You both were tired from the plane ride. You kissed him and looked at him. "What?" he said and you just laughed. "You're just fine" you said and just closed your eyes.

You soaked in everything, one more year. That's all you have left with him. Only a few more with your brother and started to tear up.

Life was going by fast and would be over before you knew it.

A/n - sorry guys that it's also been 2 months 😅 I've been having writer's block and haven't been on here but here you guys go, this story is almost over 🤕🤕🤕

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now